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Finding Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger than You
"Tami Simon speaks with author and activist Lynne Twist about her new book, Living a Committed Life, and discovering the role we each must play to usher in a new era for humanity. Tune in for an inspiring discussion of strengthening your possibility muscle; the power of disruption; the breakthroughs hidden in the breakdowns; choosing to tell a new story; the relationship between pain and joy; the ... posted on Dec 31, 4026 reads

3 Steps to Build Peace & Create Change
"As the child of Holocaust survivors and a World War II refugee herself, peace builder Georgette Bennett was stunned by the human toll and tragedy of the Syrian civil war. She got to work, bringing together historical enemies to build an aid pipeline from Israel to Syria -- a feat many considered impossible, but has since helped millions. Through this inspiring story of unlikely partnership, Benne... posted on Jan 31, 2639 reads

When Relishing Joy is A Radical Act
"For Persians, one of our most precious ways to summon joy is with poetry. I remember one night, in particular, in my home city of Shiraz, Iran, during the war. While sirens blared and the electricity was shut off, warning of an imminent attack, my family and I (feeling especially brave) snuck to our rooftop to watch the anti-aircraft missiles shoot into the air. To my 7-year-old eyes, the brillia... posted on Apr 18, 25855 reads

Son of a Sweeper
In India where caste discrimination is still rampant in many parts of the country, Vimal Kumar, the self-described "son of a sweeper," and member of the Dalit community, is committed to creating new futures for those from backgrounds like his, who are often seen as invisible or less than. A documentary profiling his life's work, tells the inspiring story of how Kumar formed the Movement for Scaven... posted on May 5, 1267 reads

Food, Earth, Happiness
Everything about modern, industrial farming as a for-profit system is going in the opposite direction of natural farming which is about working in harmony with the earth and the seasons of life. Ultimately, this disconnection from nature leads to much of the unhappiness we find in modern culture. This film offers an alternative viewpoint for social and environmental justice that begins with how we... posted on Jun 30, 1309 reads

Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir
"Writer Amy Tans hit debut novel, The Joy Luck Club (1989), catapulted her to commercial and critical success, spending over 40 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list. With the 1993 blockbuster film adaption that followed, which was selected for the National Film Registry in 2020, as well as additional bestselling novels, librettos, short stories and memoirs, Tan firmly established herself a... posted on Aug 9, 1280 reads

3 Steps to Build Peace & Create Change
As the child of Holocaust survivors and a World War II refugee herself, peace builder Georgette Bennett was stunned by the human toll and tragedy of the Syrian civil war. She got to work, bringing together historical enemies to build an aid pipeline from Israel to Syria -- a feat many considered impossible, but she and her organization -- the Multi-faith Alliance for Syrian refugees -- has since h... posted on Sep 23, 1561 reads

The Marvelous Connections Between Poetry & Medicine
"Sri Shamasunder likes to say he was a poet before he was a doctor. His college mentor, the legendary poet and activist June Jordan, passed away from cancer during his first year of medical school, but had a lasting impact on his practice of medicine. She encouraged him to harness righteous anger and to use his voice to fight inequity, inspiring Shamasunder's work as a professor of medicine at the... posted on Oct 26, 1202 reads

The Great-Grandmother Who Goes To Primary School
Salima Khan, a 92-year-old great-grandmother affectionately known as Amma, is challenging stereotypes one letter at a time at the Chawli primary school in Bulandshahr, Northern India. Despite struggles with walking and cataracts, she has become a beacon of hope in an area where about 30% of women are illiterate, inspiring women of all ages to enroll in school. "The teacher taught me everything." s... posted on Jan 19, 1584 reads

Between Earth & Sky
Discover the awe-inspiring journey of healing and perseverance of renowned ecologist, Nalini Nadkarni, as she investigates the impact of ecological disturbances on the rainforest canopy and parallels this exploration with her own life. From surviving a near-death fall to a lifelong commitment to unearthing the secrets of the forest, Nalini personifies resilience and communion with a life force gre... posted on May 23, 1035 reads

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Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.
Simone Weil

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