An excellent true and inspiring story. In fact if each one of us tends to look back on how one arrived at where one is today, she/he would discover that it was because many people helped us in unknown ways. Appreciation of that reality would give a nudge to us to help others in various ways without ever telling them as much about that. Actually we are wired to be intrinsically helpful to those in need in spite of socially induced cultural barriers.
On Oct 21, 2017 Harish Puri wrote:
An excellent true and inspiring story. In fact if each one of us tends to look back on how one arrived at where one is today, she/he would discover that it was because many people helped us in unknown ways. Appreciation of that reality would give a nudge to us to help others in various ways without ever telling them as much about that. Actually we are wired to be intrinsically helpful to those in need in spite of socially induced cultural barriers.
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