This article is based on a talk that Nipun Mehta delivered at the United Nations on Feb 15, 2012. Nipun is the founder of, which works at the intersection of technology, gift-economy and volunteerism.
Puri Mataram memiliki bikinan yakni tempat bermain dengan berbagai jenis sarana yang disiapkan di antara yang lain yaitu sepeda air yang berupa hewan peliharaan atau kolam renang. televisi bermain sepeda air anda bisa coba jadi olahragawan olahraga yakni dengan mengayuh, di mana otot kaki anda akan jadi lebih kuat sampai kalori juga terbakar. Tempat ini benar-benar aman dan Anda tak perlu cemas jika coba Sarana-wahana hebat dan membahagiakan.
2 replies: Karlizgcr, Patrick | Post Your Reply
regardless gandhi will use tekknologi or not. at least cara mengatasi keputihan yang gatal has been used and proven to be beneficial
Wonderful article. Inner transformation truly is the secret sauce of sustainability. As a wise man said, "What you achieve inwardly will change your outer reality"
1 reply: Bmiller | Post Your Reply
Simply amazing to read in the middle of helping to design a workshop for human rights activists from India and was thinking, "How can I incorporate the perceived fuzzy idea of compassion and love into the heart of the workshop?" I think I will use this piece as a prompt...thank you!
Thanks Nipun. Insightful. "Inner-transformation driven designs work at the intersection of three big circles: outer change, systemic change and personal change. " The religious folks growing up never talk that much about activism, outer change. And the traditional activists rarely talk about inner transformation. That bridge, that commitment to all three circles is a very profound and important message.
Lovely post.
You ask, "Who will ask those questions?" I'm happy to say I've spent the past 3 days (+1 more tomorrow) at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, where technology and mindfulness leaders have come together to ask exactly those questions. Thupten Jimpa (in conversation with Pierre Omidyar) seemed to sum it up nicely by calling for technology users to exercise mindful self-discipline in their use of the technology, and asking for technology creators to consciously consider social responsibility as they create and distribute their products and services.
once again u hv spoken like a yogi! [which u are ] :) love nd light- Rajima
Thanks Nipun. Insightful. "Inner-transformation driven designs work at the intersection of three big circles: outer change, systemic change and personal change. " The religious folks growing up never talk that much about activism, outer change. And the traditional activists rarely talk about inner transformation. That bridge, that commitment to all three circles is a very profound and important message. --Sriram Shamasunder
I just wonder if Facebook would be willing to provide equal space to charities that offer giving opportunities based on the on line behavior of each client or better yet random charities receive equal footing to paid advertisers. These charities may ask for money and or service. This would mean not maximizing the space with paid advertisements but "social profit" would soar and I promise you inner transformation would be fostered. Paypal has made my giving much easier. Still my inner transformation comes from time on the cushion. Dogen said meditation is enlightenment. I vow to try.
Nipun my friend, you are a wise one...The question for many is, "What
is the avenue to inner transformation?" For me, it has been the Center
for Courage and Renewal: and the teachings of Parker Palmer. I encourage all of my friends to explore this avenue...With Love, Margaret
BAAMplex! :-)
Transforming the heart of the UN, and the entire Earth Community.Another powerful delivery and writeup, based on his own inner transformation and that of the invisible collaborators!
Hands down. Standing ovation. Hearts and spirits up! :-)
Definitively, this is fresh raw fuel to continue the (R)evolution. Thanks for the nourishing food.
Love. You. Hermano. ;-)
PS: Going to facilitate a bit further the awareness of this article on the electronland... ;-)
For sure, unconditional giving is the most radical idea and practice that I have ever come across. Thanks to the author for picking that out as the ingredient much needed in all domains that concern us and our planet. It is no doubt the most difficult thing to even have this perspective in a given moment as we are heavily conditioned otherwise. Besides the mental block, it has so many practical difficulties too. So, I think it is important for every person to do their own small acts of giftvism in any context they can and generate an ocean of data of its ripples. Here is a chance for us to indulge in practice and theory side by side without any burden of the past, without divisions, without worries about resource, impact... without any condition, one small act of gifting ourselves in any way we can everyday. Now, where do I send my daily report to humanity? I suppose :)
Very well written.Social transformation can happen irrespective of Social media.But depending on technology to change is really time consuming.Each one us can change if we are willing to change.
Thank you so much , it is the truth . People will transform only when they see the transformation of the change maker , as they saw in Gandhi , Mother Teresa , Martin Luther King and many others who followed them . They set an example of their own lives for others to follow .
1 reply: Manisha | Post Your Reply
On Sep 12, 2023 Monamilky wrote:
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