It all began with gratitude.
…And maybe some sneakers and paint.
He goes by the name Peace Artist, and he spent the past year running 6,000 miles from Seattle to San Diego to Savannah, Georgia. He ran until given shelter, fasted until given food. He carried no money, only art supplies, to create and gift original works of art along the way. He never asked for anything, yet he received so much in return.
This conversation is from a recent Forest Call, a weekly global teleconference hosted by ServiceSpace that highlights diverse journeys in service. Peace Artist currently resides in Eugene, Oregon, where he is living out the pilgrimage as a gymnastics coach, mentor, artist, runner, and friend. He continues to paint and write portraits of the people he encounters, as well as gift his artwork to many. More of Peace’s stories, insights, and original artistic creations can be found on his website.
Pree, Kristin, Bruce, Mary Lou, Chitra, Prairie, Purvi, Suketu, and, thank you for your kind words. As many of you said, it isn't hard. Gandhi challenged us, "Be then change". Truly, we all possess the ability to be the love in the world, to be the peace. Thank you for reminding me that there are so many beautiful and wonderful like-minded and like-hearted people around the globe doing what they and only they can do to create peace daily.
In addition, thank you Audrey, Kachan, and DailyGood for such a nicely written and researched article. I feel as if I have really gained some new family here. Much love.
great have chosen by god to give peace through art...blessings
Years ago Peace Pilgrim was in our home on repeated trips through the country. Congratulations in bringing peace and sharing your gift along your path.
oh what a wonderful concept.its true love begets love.i have just begun practicing it consciously,
and its a miracle remedy.
3 cheers to the peace artist,to more of art,exploring,and sharing everything that is wonderful in this world.
Truly Amazing Story. Lot to learn from Peace Artist.
The only way to have peace is to live peace. And you can spread it out from your own home, among your own family and friends, in the stores you shop in and the places you normally go. Feel it in your heart then let it freely flow. I assure you it will come back in full measure, packed down and running over.
wow! thank you for sharing. i needed to hear this this morning! :-)
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your journey. No doubt you have positively impact multitudes by your presence and your practice of peace. And so glad to know that you learned of Peace Pilgrim too, she continues to Inspire. And 100% agreed, we receive what we give. HUGE HUG to you. May you continue to share your gifts. <3
We are so happy to see you featuring Peace Artist here. His impressive journey and life reecho the spirit of Peace Pilgrim's twenty-eight year pilgrimage for peace. Bruce Nichols/Friends of Peace Pilgrim
Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift with so many people, Peace artist!
Mary Lou
On Nov 9, 2012 Gabriel wrote:
Wonderful! and very inspiring!
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