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DailyGood News That Inspires

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Meet the Four Characters of Your Brain

I may not be in total control of what happens in my life, but I certainly am in charge of how I choose to perceive my experience.

- Jill Bolte Taylor -

Meet the Four Characters of Your Brain

"I am a brain enthusiast. (I'm sure you have picked up on that by now.) But, beyond the beauty of this amazing organ we all have inside our heads, it is our remarkable brain cells that manifest our choices and abilities. When we understand which cells manifest which of our abilities, the more power we have to choose who and how we want to be in any moment. I consider my new book, Whole Brain Living, to be a roadmap to the four different "Characters" inside your brain. The better you know your Four Characters, the easier your life will become." Neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor shares more in this post. { read more }

Be The Change

Taylor's TED talk "My Stroke of Insight," powerfully describes her experience of witnessing herself in the process of having a massive stroke. Her talk has over 28 million views. You can watch it here. { more }

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