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DailyGood News That Inspires

a project of ServiceSpace

Meeting Our World Views

All real living is meeting.

- Martin Buber -

Meeting Our World Views

"It's common these days to hear calls for new worldviews. These calls are often accompanied by a condemnation of the current ways of thinking, doing, and being. My claim is that every worldview is attempting to take care of something. And if we don't acknowledge and respect these aspects of our current worldviews, then they wont fundamentally change." Alexander Carabi shares more. { read more }

Be The Change

Carabi defines one's worldview as, "the fundamental set of assumptions about who we are and what life is. It's our presupposed, embodied, often taken for granted stance towards ourselves, other selves, and life itself." Take a few moments to reflect on your own worldview.

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