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Oct 19, 2016

"This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." --William Shakespeare

A Filmmaker, a Mountain and a Moment of Truth

Andrew Hinton, Emmy award-winning filmmaker, embarked on a vision quest with the intention of becoming a "man of integrity, a bridge between two worlds." He notes, "how our culture lacks deep rituals that mark the transition to manhood, and how easy it is without them to get lost somewhere between boy and man. And of how, maybe twenty years late, I am here to finally step across." Alone in the Oregon mountains, completely removed from civilization, Hinton confronts the impediments standing in the way of his journey toward his authentic self, including, most importantly, himself: "My mind turns to fear. All the things that have held me back ultimately lead there. I suddenly decide to take off my shyness like an old coat I no longer need and leave it behind. I ceremoniously remove it, and set it down carefully before walking on."


Who are you? Consider how you answer this question. Today, spend some time pondering what your core essence is. For more inspiration read about Andrew Hinton's award-winning film, "Tashi & the Monk". More ...