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May 27, 2016

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in." --Isaac Asimov

The Brightness of a Greyhound Journey

"Our new driver was a brisk lady, vigilant but amiable. As we hit the road again, she introduced herself over the speakers and set the rules for the journey. She spoke clearly from experience and I wondered what kinds of situations she'd had to handle in the past. 'If you smoke on my bus, I will let you go immediately. If you do alcohol or drugs on rest stops, that is where you'll stay. It will be twenty-four hours until the next bus. That is a veeery looong time.'" Traveler and writer Maria Jain shares this engaging account of a Greyhound bus journey gone awry. Her tale shines a light on the unexpected insight and goodness that's often just waiting to be discovered in the midst of what the world calls "inconvenience".


The next time you are traveling on a bus, or waiting in line in a grocery store, tune into the people around you, and notice what assumptions or judgements arise. Practice letting go of them, and see how your experience shifts.