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Apr 25, 2006
"The truth is that there is only one terminal dignity -- love. And the story of a love is not important -- what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity." --Helen Hayes
One-word Sidewalk Sermons
Talk about a man with an eternal message. At least 50 times a day for more than 30 years he wrote the word 'Eternity' in chalk all across the public streets and sidewalks of Sydney. For years no one knew who this mysterious one-word sermon was authored by. Arthur Stace's story is fascinating. Born into a deeply troubled family, he grew into a homeless, recovering alcoholic who could barely write his own name. It was the promise of a free meal that led to an encounter that would dramatically change his life. Read the story in Stace's own words -- and see the elegantly written sermon he delivered over half a million times in the last three decades of his life, as featured on the Sydney bridge during the Olympics in 2000!