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May 5, 2007

"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers." --Richard Bach

A Basketall Superstar's Turning Point

NBA All-Star Kevin Johnson never forgot the inner-city Sacramento neighborhood where he grew up. In 1989, he returned to his hometown to launch a nonprofit afterschool program that is now his full-time passion. Why? His freshman year at University of California, Berkeley, when a professor asked how many people knew what "euphemism" meant, 31 out of 32 students raised their hands. Johnson wasn't one of them. "I just didn't think it was fair that 31 other people from all over the state -– who went to different high schools –- were exposed to that learning and I wasn't. It wasn't a cool feeling. So I said to myself that if I ever made it, I was going to go back to my community because I didn't want other kids to have to feel that feeling." In this interview, Johnson shares more about his inspiring work.


What role do you most identify with: learner, doer or teacher? Consider what you can do to better balance the three roles in your life.