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Oct 10, 2007

"Few people know that they have the power to bless life. We bless the life in each other far more than we realize. Many simple, ordinary things that we do can affect those around us in profound ways." --Rachel Naomi Remen

Mike's Handcarved Canes

Mike Hunter, 56, was diagnosed seven years ago with multiple sclerosis. It progressed faster than he thought it would and his sales job had to end when his weakening legs collapsed under him at airports. When he no longer could walk without using a cane, Hunter didn't like the options for sale and decided to make one. He gathered branches, took them back to his home and began to carve and sand and treat the wood. Soon, he had several smooth, unique canes to choose from. When his doctor admired his cane, Mike donated what he had for other patients to use. For the past two years he has carved and donated more than 300 canes for the clinic, each one different, and each one with Hunter's own special touch.


Remen's quote from above continues with suggestions: "the unexpected phone call, the brief touch, the willingness to listen generously, the warm smile or wink. We can even bless total strangers and be blessed by them." Bless someone today.