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Jun 22, 2010

"Every decision you make -- every decision that you make every second -- is not a decision about what to do, it is a decision about who you are. Every act is an act of self-definition." --Neale Donald Walsch

Six Keys to Making Good Decisions

"On my first day in a class called 'Decision Analysis' at Stanford, I was shocked when Prof. Ron Howard said that you couldn't judge a decision from the outcome. I walked up to him after class and said, 'Professor, this is what I have read in spiritual texts - that we are only competent in the action, and the outcome is not in our hands. Your principle is ancient.' Prof. Howard replied, 'It may be, but these texts don't tell you how to apply this to financial decision-making, and we have worked out the details here.'" Somik Raha, a PhD in decision analysis, describes his exploration of a process for making good decisions, and how it helps bridge the material and spiritual. He then introduces six keys of decision quality, applicable by anyone in any decision situation.


Reflect on a good decision you've made in the recent past and consider how it checks out against the six elements of decision quality above.