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Mar 23, 2012

"Recovering the sacred is remembering something we've forgotten, something we may have hidden from ourselves. It is about uncovering and discovering the innate wholeness in ourselves and in the world." --Dr. Naomi Rachel Remen

Recovering the Heart of Medicine

"Our modern view of disease is that disease is centered in the body. The older view of disease is that it is soul loss, a loss of connection, of meaning, of purpose, of essence. If this is so, the real task of the medical system is to heal soul loss, to aid in the retrieval of the soul. What is needed is not to develop more of a spiritual practice or to go to church more. Our task is to recognize that we are always on sacred ground, that there is no split between the sacred and secular. That there is no task that is not sacred in nature and no relationship that is not sacred in nature. Life is a spiritual practice. Health care, which serves life, is a spiritual practice." Renowned medical leader Dr. Naomi Rachel Remen shares more about recovering the heart of medicine.


An inspiring story of UCSF's Dr. BJ Miller, someone whose own journey of healing led him to serving others in healing. More ...