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Apr 19, 2013
"While infused with love you see fewer distinctions between you and others. Indeed, your ability to see others -- really see them, wholeheartedly -- springs open" --Barbara Fredrickson
Ten Things You Might Not Know About Love
"The vision of love that emerges from the latest science requires a radical shift. I learned that I need to ask people to step back from their current views of love long enough to consider it from a different perspective: their body's perspective. Love is not romance. It's not desire. It's not even that special bond you feel with family or significant others. And perhaps most challenging of all, love is neither lasting nor unconditional. The radical shift we need to make is this: Love, as your body experiences it, is a micro-moment of connection shared with another." Barbara Fredrickson professor of psychology and author of the new book Love 2.0 shares ten things her research has taught her about love.