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Nov 14, 2013

"Perfect imperfection is a beautiful sight to behold. In fact, it can change the way you look at life... if you simply let it." ---Rachel Macy Stafford-

Today I Lived And You Did Too

"I'm going Hands Free. I want to make memories, not to-do-lists. I want to feel the squeeze of my daughter's arms, not the pressure of over-commitment. I want to get lost in conversation with my spouse, not consumed by a sea of unimportant emails. I want to be overwhelmed by sunsets that give me hope, not by extracurricular commitments that steal my joy. I want the noise of my life to be a mixture of laughter and gratitude, not the intrusive buzz of cell phones and text messages. I am letting go of distraction, disconnection, and perfection to live a life that simply, so very simply, consists of what really matters. I'm going Hands Free. I hope you will join me!" In this poetic blog post, "Hands Free Mama", Rachel Macy Stafford, shares her heart, and expresses how she chooses to live today.


When you catch yourself tilting into an "off" moment, take a deep breath and pause...see if you can choose to envelop the moment with love.