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Jun 6, 2016

" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. " --Marianne Williamson

Rising to the Occasion: Unleashing Our True Potential

"I remember a dream of long ago -- we all have this kind of dream, I think -- in which I came onto the stage to play a solo organ recital. The audience applauded and quieted down, I took my seat on the organ bench, placed the music just so, my fingers on the keyboard, and then realized I'd never played the organ before. I was a flute player, for God's sake! I had no ideas what to do next, but it was too late, I had to play. So I did." In this inspiring piece, Carolyn North explores what happens when we are unexpectedly called on to 'rise to the occasion'. Drawing from personal experiences -- including being called on as midwife to take charge of a complicated delivery in a remote village in India --she reminds us of what is within each one of us to do. And how imperative it is that we do it.


Is there a challenge in your own life that you have been shying away from? Experiment with facing it head on, with openness and curiosity.