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Aug 25, 2018

"Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. " --Hippocrates

Health 3.0: Where Medicine Needs to Go

Health 1.0 is run as a cottage industry without evidence-based guidelines, quality measures, or standardization. Volume trumps value. This model bankrupted and shortchanged the quality of healthcare. It is over. Health 2.0 is evidence-based medicine. It is online. Electronic health records are central to its cause. The patient becomes an e-patient who Silicon Valley diagnoses using data-mining and algorithms. Electronic information systems are an equal partner with the doctor. It isn't good, beautiful, or true enough. Health 3.0. transforms the patient's relationship to illness and wellness into a two-way exchange. The doctor is the servant-leader and the patient is in charge of her health. The hospital when needed is invested in a deeper, more integrated health care system that is profitable to all stakeholders, including physicians as value creators. This is a system in which caring is a strength and we can reclaim our health, power, and well-being.


Become part of the Health 3.0 movement by being more informed and supporting the work of those envisioning a re-personalized and transcendent healthcare experience.

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