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Mar 10, 2020
"We have now felled forest enough everywhere, in many districts far too much. Let us restore this one element of material life to its normal proportions, and devise means for maintaining the permanence of its relations to the fields, the meadows and the pastures, to the rain and the dews of heaven, to the springs and rivulets with which it waters down the earth." --George Perkins Marsh (in 1864
20-Year Reforestation Project Plants 2.7 Million Trees
"When celebrated Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado took over family land in the state of Minas Gerais, instead of the tropical paradise that he remembered as a child, he found the trees cut down and the wildlife gone. He was devastated. It was 1994 and he had just returned from a traumatic assignment reporting on the genocide in Rwanda. "The land was as sick as I was -- everything was destroyed," Salgado told The Guardian. "Only about 0.5% of the land was covered in trees." Salgado's wife, Lelia Deluiz Wanick Salgado, had the idea to replant the forest...