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Jan 1, 2021
"This is not a time of mere change. This is a time of transformation, and transformation comes not out of scarcity but out of the context of possibility, responsibility, and sufficiency. " --
2021: Resources for the Journey
"One year ago, as 2020 was dawning, we joined with many around the globe in imagining a year of possibility and transformation. It was the start of a new decade and the number 2020 couldn't help but evoke a hope for new, clear ways of seeing. Most of us simply couldn't have imagined the global pandemic that would sweep the world, making our connection to one another more poignant and powerful than ever...And so here, a year later, how will we step across this threshold into the New Year when so much is still unknown? Who do we want to be -- as individuals and as a collective, for ourselves and for our world? And what role does gratefulness play as we step into the New Year with all our very human hopes and longings?" The Gratefulness Team shares a wonderful collection of resources to support these inquiries as we enter into this brand-new year.
What does transformation mean to you? What motivates you to learn, to grow, to continue deepening and expanding your experience of life and the world?