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Nov 24, 2021
"And I love you
as I love the dance that brings you
out of the multitude
in which you come and go.
Love changes, and in change is true." --Wendell Berry
The Woman Beside Wendell Berry
"Here's my portrait of Tanya Berry: This white-haired 81-year-old is a fiercely independent thinker who embraces interdependence. Someone with a deep humility who gives others credit reflexively, and a self-confidence that makes her comfortable telling you what she believes she's good at. A kind person who doesn't hesitate to offer blunt advice. A woman who kept records of her prodigious canning in the kitchen while also serving as discerning first editor of every novel and short story written by her prolific husband." This in-depth profile piece shares more.
Watch the trailer of "Look and See," a portrait of the changing landscapes and shifting values of rural America through the voice of Wendell Berry. More ...