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May 5, 2024

"Spiritual literacy is recognizing the sacred in everything around us. Everything around you and everything you do has spiritual significance. The point is that it's all around us. You just have to have the eyes to see." --Mary Ann Brussat

Mary Ann Brussat: Everyday Sacred Renaissance

"You really can feel tremendous empathy for the people, but at the same time, compassion is something that's a little different. Compassion is where you move towards someone to see if there is a way that you can be of help. So not only do you recognize your feelings for someone, but you try to figure out, is there something here that I can do?" In this Awakin Call, Mary Ann Brussat touches upon her journey and work of bringing spiritual literacy to daily practice. For the past several decades, Mary Ann, along with her husband, Frederic Brussat, has co-architected Spirituality and Practice (S&P), an excavation of cultural and spiritual resources across faith, culture, and ethnic lines. What follows is the transcript of the Awakin Call with Mary Ann Brussat in which she speaks about her journey, some heart warming stories of daily spirituality, and a personal take on the gifts of AI and technology.


Mary Ann Talks about how the Quality of Reverence practice is important for them in daily living. Reverence for things, people, animals and for Self. Take a moment to pause, and look at what reverence for self would mean to you. How would it look like in action? (For more qualities from which to choose, to practice in your daily living, take a look at the Spiritual Literacy Alphabet in the transcript of the call.)