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Aug 23, 2024

"According to Plato, two people, by challenging and responding to each other, can come closer to the truth than either one could by himself… It is something which neither of them knew before, and which neither would have been capable of knowing by himself." --Ervin Laszlo

Five Ways to Tap Into Other People’s Wisdom

People are “walking around with valuable insights and information that could help us personally and professionally.” Yet, for many reasons, we may not tap into that vast knowledge, and that failure is costly in terms of relationships, teams, and organizations. Author Jeff Wetzler suggests a tolerance for “not knowing,” and offers five steps to help transform relationships, and unleash greater learning: break out of the certainty loop by choosing curiosity; make it safe by creating a space free from judgment, shame, or punishment; pose quality questions; listen to learn not only to content but emotion and action; and reflect on what you learned and reconnect. Watch the “relationships shift from sources of conflict and anxiety to mutual understanding and collaboration.”


Choose one of the steps to a productive conversation from the article, and try it out with someone. What did you learn? Reconnect and share with them what you learned.