From Green to Health Interested in boosting your heath naturally? Research highlights the direct connection between our health and time spent in green spaces: nature holds the power to reduce stress and depressive symptoms, to fortify our immune system, to lower our blood pressure and improve sleep. With low-income communities frequently deprived of such green spaces, this points to an untapped potential to address he... posted on Jun 03 2024, 1,369 reads
Jane Goodall on What It Takes to Save the Earth Jane Goodall’s address at Davos 2024 emphasized that climate change is not slowing down: yet there is reason to hope. Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program is an example of what can be done to protect the future if all of us recognize our interconnectedness with nature and each other. The energy of youth, nature’s resilience, the human intellect, and human’s indomitable spir... posted on May 10 2024, 5,055 reads
Richard Jefferies: On Nature as a Portal to Self-Transcendence In his 1884 masterpiece 'The Life of the Fields,' Richard Jefferies extols the poetic prowess of nature, emphasizing that by paying attention to the beauty of nature, we can dissolve the boundaries between ourselves and the world. Such an immersive experience in nature is perceived as momentous and transformative. "These are the only hours that are not wasted - these hours that absorb the soul and... posted on Mar 22 2024, 1,852 reads
Seeds of Reciprocity How might we rekindle awe and reciprocity by remembering ourselves as extensions of the changing earth? In an era enveloped by rapid change and compounding emergencies, four vibrant individuals -- a filmmaker, author-singer, environmental justice activist, and Sufi teacher unfold a compelling conversation centering narratives of kinship amid the uncertainty of our systems today. Each discusses the... posted on Mar 05 2024, 2,040 reads
Mycelial Landscapes Mycologist Merlin Sheldrake, creative director Barney Steel and filmmaker Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee embark on a compelling conversation on the role of mycelial webs in holding our landscapes together, and how our human systems can learn from that. The nature of fungi may just force us to rethink our traditional conceptions of individuality, intelligence, and life itself. "One of the things we might lea... posted on Feb 16 2024, 2,329 reads
An Offering of Remembrance The world today is rapidly changing; yet, there is also a shifting landscape within each of us. Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee offers a stirring inquiry into the space between our relationship with the Earth and within ourselves. He begins, "The stories are within the words and the images, but they are also at the margins, in what is not said ... the real story that is unfolding beneath the surface is the c... posted on Feb 07 2024, 2,118 reads
Glacial Longings "On the morning of our arrival, I run up to the bridge to watch Thwaites come into view. Out in the gathering light its gray margin wobbles in the gloaming. No one knows quite what to say. The words I conjurecirque, serac, cleft, torque, ski slope, rampartall slide off the surface of the ice, plopping one after the other into the bay right in front of Thwaites; a bay that had up until just a few w... posted on Feb 05 2024, 1,509 reads
Songs of Trees Just how much is in one tiny patch of forest? Biologist and author David George Haskell found himself visiting the same square meter of forest again and again over the course of a year, and then many years since. "When we walk into a forest, we're not walking into a place that is full of separate interacting individuals ... We're walking into a living network, a place where every creature exists o... posted on Jan 07 2024, 5,846 reads
Deepening Into Regenerative Practice Regeneration isn't just about climate change, it's about an evolution in our attitudes and values. In a riveting conversation between living systems catalysts Daniel Christian Wahl and Bill Reed, the principles and practices of regeneration emerge as a path towards ongoing personal and environmental growth. As Reed highlights, "the deliverable for a regenerative project is building the capacity an... posted on Dec 27 2023, 3,333 reads
Jessica Gigot: Moon "The full moon rises over the blackberry bramble along the ditch. It has been shining so bright these past few nights, aiming light into all the dark spaces, memories, regrets. ... I am inside with our two girls. We can't afford a full-time babysitter, so in the afternoons, my husband and I alternate, fusing into one person running the farm. During this particular day I have milked the sheep and m... posted on Dec 15 2023, 1,588 reads