Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker returns to Stanford University to deliver the 2012 commencement address. In this address, he reminds graduates that their success is the product of a vast "conspiracy of love" and challenges all of us to engage in the conspiratorial caring that makes our society safe, strong, and ennobling. Join the conspiracy! And make change in your life! Start by giving this 40+ minute video your full attention.


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  • Jo Anne Goetz

    This video was sent to me by my sister Rita Taylor before she passed away Oct.5, 2012. I just got around to watching it and was very impressed by it. I am the author of the book Long Time Coming, My Life and The Darryl Hunt lesson.

  • Maureen

    To take the steps to get out my front door and to then to find the strength to get involved. Great speech!

  • John

    Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It's something I'm reminding myself of in order to stay grounded and in my heart, and I heard that...among many other beautiful things worth being reminded of. Like being broken, and how that is what allows the light to shine in and heal us, grow us, and make us better than before. A soulful life never comes without the pain and tenor of defeat, and we honor ourselves when we honor those that came before to conspire in creating a more beautiful and rich and possible journey. Thank you to our ancestors.

  • Marc

    It helps. As I'm pushing to get my I Am Enough shirts to move on eBay so I can support a business idea called CozyLap that can give inspiration to those of us who have hit the level of homeless shelter resident, seeing that the message is concise to the level of our top educational institutions helps to know I'm on the right track.

  • Deepak

    Thank you . It was inspiring to listen to Mr Booker that love was still there for all beings inspite of great adversity . There was no bitterness or malice towards anyone . This has been the learning from global icons like Gandhi , Mother Teresa & Martin Luther King . Blessings .

  • Christine

    I was inspired by many things that Mr. Booker had to say. Especially those about remaining faithful in the face of great adversity, pain & heartache; changing a potentially negative situation into a positive one and mostly about the Conspiracy of Love. We need more politicians like him. I'm very thankful I came across this video and Mr. Booker's speech. I'm sure that it was by no accident. :) It inspired me to want to to better and become the best person I can be.

  • Ethel

    What inspired you about this video? I choose to be in the Conspiracy of love. This speech moves me. I will listen to it often because it is lifting me into another level of living and for this I am truly thankful. So much can be gleaned including and certainly not limited to: appreciating and supporting women as well as men, recognizing that you and I (all of us, regardless of race, creed, color or religion) are here standing on the shoulders of many of whom we have no knowledge, understanding that what we see within is represented in our outward expressions, recognizing and appreciating the importance of higher education, democracy is a participatory endeavor, being true to yourself, staying faithful, recognizing real courage in all that shows up, never stop loving, showing up to tell your truth, unite by joining your true spirit with others who recognize that we need each other regardless of superficial differences that we have previously allowed to separate us. I choose to join the love conspiracy. Mayor Booker never ceases to amaze me. He is a most wonderful inspiration to me; he is a doer of the word and not just one to recite. Thanking God for you Mayor Cory Booker; may you continue to be well prospered to keep lifting this world in love, beauty and truth.

  • Catherine


  • tanzeel

    This was the most heart touching speech i have eva heard, this guy is full of life and his visions about love and this is great, i pray he gets all the love and success!

  • Heather H

    What inspired me? His obvious honesty. He doesn't lecture, he uses his own experience to benefit others. "Never stop loving". "Do everything to unite people". This surely applies to uniting families, communities, nations - and the world at large. Love & blessings from London, UK.

  • Gretchen

    wow. so. powerful. . .

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    My conpiracy of love = Free Hugs. Oneof the most powerful Free Hugs ever received or given: I had just finished my monthly Free Hugs in Union Square, NYC and was walking back to Harlem where I lived; I saved subway fare by walking as often as possible, being a storyteller I don't have much money. I saw a woman sitting on the pavement, her shopping cart to her side piled high with her possessions, her shoes were worn to nearly nothing. I got out my Free Hugs sign and approached her: I smiled gently and asked if she would like a hug. She looked at me with disbelief. "You'd hug me?" I opened my arms and walked closer to her, "if you want a hug, absolutely." She reached out for the hug and then told me she had not been touched in almost 20 years. I hugged her tighter. I apologized to her that I had no money to give her that day and she responded that the hug I'd just given was worth more than any amount of money. Next time you see someone homeless, smile at them, say Hello and if it feels right to your heart, offer a hug or even the touch of your hand on their arm.

  • Elena

    very cool how he sermonizes love, with "in the name of my father," etc. taking it away from religious toward universally poetic.

  • Mara

    Everybody needs some kind of love in their life, whether it's love for a pet, spouse or a family member

  • Susan Whitney

    Be the hope...don't just sit and seek comfort...Be the change...see the change and just Love through action.


    Gave me an idea what Martin Luther King must've been like !@! Wow !

  • Hassan Ali Hameen

    This video should be a must SEE for all. This commencement speech by "COREY BOOKER" is very inspirational and I believe that we all should join into the CONSPIRACY OF LOVE which I'm sure will make our communities are better place to live and our children more aware of who they are showing them by positive examples how to continue "THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE"

  • eunice

    that life is not comfortable, stay faithful, show up and that together we make democracy work

  • Guy T Woods Sr


  • Joseph Bwalya

    Lets grow the most important crop of our lives-LOVE

  • Mary Hudson

    Cory Booker is the breathe of fresh air that I need NOW. His message hits me, causing tears to come to my eyes. The word "conspiracy" has turned into a most positive word. Fear is my emotion for upcoming challenges in my life but moving through this fear WILL bring growth and renewed courage. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANKS, THANX !

  • Annette Vaillancourt, Ph.D.

    Let your love be defiant!

  • Herb Neu

    This is among the very best commencement speeches that I've ever heard. Cory Booker is a magnificent human being. In a way, this speech showed his tremendous courage and certainly his tremendous value. I urge all who click onto this site to view the entire address. It could make your day.

  • Page 1

  • Cory Booker's career in activism and politics is exemplary of his exhortation to “show up” and participate in civic life. Check-out some of the more colorful stories from his growing legend..
  •  Cory Booker says, "Show up."  Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Share your change-being with others who have shown-up.
  • Decide on one very-very-small way you can make your neighborhood a better place -- and then do it the next time you walk out of your house.

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