Remember the joy of a new pair of shoes? This beautiful film, based on a story attributed to Gandhi's life, depicts the lives of two boys. It is the first film by then, 20-year old filmmaker, Sarah Rozik, and won the Jury's special award in the short film category at the 2014 Luxor Egyptian and European Film Festival.


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  • Arinnya

    The fact that the kid (let's name him: Sarakh) with a pair of shining shoe seems to be significantly more fortunate than the kid (let's name him: Rozik) not having a proper pair of sleepers even. Both are in their own world of need, want and demand. Rozik can only wonder a pair of those fine shoes that Sarakh is wearing. If he could ever have one, he would never take them off!! But Sarakh, on the other hand, is presented by the director in a manner to imply that he is also equally in love with his pair of new shoes! A kid's attraction, love, and bond, with a new thing, are still there. When one shoe is left behind in the hustle, Rozik could Empathize with Sarakh! He tries his best to get it back to him. Sarakh standing helplessly, moving away every second from something his little heart loves dearly, could actually forgive the situation and turn his grief into a happy one by making someone else happy. The ending smile exchanged a kind of conversation like this; "take care of it!" - "Yes! I will!! Thank You!". What more can be a life lesson! Really. Cheers!

  • Panayotis

    These acts of kindness should be natural - the video was a kind reminder for those that have forgot. Pick the right path and you will find yourself somewhere beautiful.

  • Peter

    Wow. This one put a lump in my throat

  • Sohail Chaudry

    We have so much in the west. Our attitudes and view of life is totally clouded by the sheer abundance that surrounds us. We HAVE to find a way to re balance our lives. For our owns sake , our children and their children.We as nation and as humans owe it to OUR planet, and fellow humans.

  • Martina Ooms

    This is love in practice !

  • Doris Lee

    Trying to help another, the instant friendship of these young boys show what a little caring can do to make this world a better place. It's something we all can do to help others. You don't have to be the "haves and have nots".

  • Motwani

    Concern/ Love for each other / Best utilization of resources

  • Birthe Jorgensen

    "Love is the thing that if you give it away, you give it away, you give it away: Love is the thing that if you give it away, you end up having more"

  • Kathy Deibert

    Shows how love can transpire poverty and class. It is the reason we are here and it can make all things better!

  • shantiagoza

    Impresionante acto de generosidad. Formidable documento. ¡Cuanto tenemos que aprender!

  • Preeta Bansal

    Wow - just wow

  • lkmohapatra

    Someone can be poor but honest & helping.And one may be rich yet kind.

  • Sonya Seth

    The unselfish and completely giving nature of a child, as yet untouched.

  • Marcela Tristan

    Just beautiful! Inspiring as well as human

  • Elaine McGregor

    Very heartwarming and moving.Thanks you for this wonderful film showing what kindness truly is. I loved it.

  • Camilla Wittmoss

    Thank you for this beautiful short film! It tells about so important things in life, in just a few minutes. Children nows the important stuff - if we just listen more to them and don't always think we have so much to teach them.

  • Carol DeLaurier

    Good example about karma.

  • Sameera V. Thurmond

    That the child with less was willing to make an effort to return the shoe to rightful owner. Because he made that effort, the rightful owner gave him both shoes. I do support what Majoj Chugani said. It makes sense because we can learn so much from children if we do not interfere with their spiritual standing.

  • Marlene Daley

    That a pure heart is unselfish and will react to the needs of others first.

  • Manoj Chugani

    This is a really powerful video that reaffirms what we already know, children come to this world more evolved and instead of learning from them, reconnecting to the child within we mess things up by trying to make them like us :(. Wonder if the world would be a nicer place if we let children be children - Hey teacher, leave us kids alone.

  • susan dunn

    The simplicity and sincerity.....

  • samriti

    Kindness never goes unpaid. It teaches to move on the path of kindness selflessly....

  • Mike Groves

    Generosity of Spirit

  • Jean McCloud

    A great, heartwarming film of people giving to others. Sharing when someone else is is need. Unselfish , loving❤️ Just beautiful.

  • Victoria

    The generosity of both boys. Love lived out in actions!

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    beautifully done. If each of us can see it in our heart to see the humans around us, what a difference we can make it we also take action. <3

  • Beatrice

    Touching, if all but could share our wisdom and wealth the world would be a happier place.

  • Brad Justin

    I love how the two boys made a brief connection that completely shattered the roles the world had cast them in. "that's the power of love!"

  • Zinat Fazal

    Beautiful film! Very inspiring indeed! What an eye opener, we are surrounded by people in pain, but we don't stop often enough those little efforts that can make a large difference to another!

  • Towanda M Allen

    WoW! What a act of KINDNESS! We have to be willing to teach our children that live in a Country of Entitlement the value of KINDNESS & GIVING BACK and just because!

  • Timmy Martin

    We need only to have the willingness to allow our hearts to be the driving force behind our actions. Beautiful, unexplainable and joyful things happen when We do. Very touching short film.

  • Sheila Edwards

    Sometimes it is really hard to do the right thing, but if you make the effort it will help you in some way

  • Helen

    Pay it forward!!

  • Lyn

    This is what life is about giving first then you will always receive.

  • Stefaan O

    Live is give, give and give again.

  • dianne

    Honesty and unselfishness......god does take care of his children

  • pat

    definitely a 'wow" moment for me. shared it with many of the people i love because there are not enough loving moments to share and this was one!

  • adele w.

    How Sweet is the gift of giving.

  • Linda

    I cried a little - Omar was particularly great as the poor Indian boy - a shaft of hope, honesty, humility in this world

  • Deepak

    Thank you . Awesome . In Giving we connect with other humans deep from within our core of our being .

  • Mansukh

    Such a short but beautiful video with a big message. ''My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me and that what misses me was never meant for me ''

  • Brian

    Thanks Team. Peace through U...gratitude is the greener side...1Earth

  • Cheryl

    Kindness taught at young age can develop to strength Thank you for this story

  • annie hedberg

    The joy of selfless service (the little boy with the broken flip-flop) and the joy of selfless giving. This little film is wonder-full!

  • Jay Aggarwal

    Kindness, compassion and presence of mind

  • cicily

    This little film is so heart warming.


    If only all grammar schools showed videos like this perhaps it could catch on~! Make them aware early <3 <3

  • Evelyn

    Love is so little to offer. Always give hope and try to help others. We have so much!

  • Cindy

    beautiful expression of the joy in giving. Lovely lovely lovely short film.

  • Marsha Nelson,Ph.D.

    If you can dream it can be yours!

  • Page 1

  • Read about the story that inspired this film - Gandhi and his lost shoe.
  • My Life Is My Message is a newsletter that feature writings by Gandhi that lend insights into his values and personal practices.
  • Do you have a pair of shoes that you haven't worn in 6 months? Donate it so that someone else may have the pleasure of a "new" pair of shoes.

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