A film by Green Renaissance.

This lyrical video introduces us to Antoinette, who immediately draws us into her welcoming world of nature and a life lived in sync with the rhythms of the natural world. Early in her life Antoinette was called to living in the wild. "This was the fire that ignited my soul." Antoinette's passion and wisdom are conveyed in her simple words that are poetry to the ears while speaking directly to the heart. Enjoy Antoinette's warm, engaging presence, listen, let her wisdom speak to you, and learn her secret to life.


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  • carmel merrill

    It's lyrical and slow pace. It is a lovely reminder of how to be in touch with oneself.

  • elza

    My beloved country where I live. So beautiful. Thank you all. Elza

  • dominic

    I loved the slowness, the time she took to speak, to feel each word. The camera's slow movement caressing each word, caressing nature and the animal life. Simply beautiful and inspiring.

  • Paul Hannam

    There is more genuine wisdom in this short video than most 300+ page self help/spiritual books. Antoinette is the grandmother we all would have wanted. I wish I had met someone like her in my youth to help me learn the most important lessons. Thank you for making such a profound and visually stunning video!

  • Festina LentÍvaldi

    Oh this is beautiful and with many delightful tight one liners too. E.g. I particularly like "Because winter is about hibernation. And hibernation leads to transformation" as such transformation and how to help it is, globally, infront of us all know. There's a couple more GR videos with extracts I love here: https://be-benevolution.com/2019/09/18/green-renaissance/ and check GR's channel here as well! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcPPUszZ4-7yzZNgAAYwJjg

  • Catherine Jonsson

    What a treasure! I have to watch this several times to write down her words of wisdom.

  • Tami

    To be reminded that I am enough, just the way I am.

  • Leslie

    I am inspired by Antoinette and also recognize that being fully in nature allows for this natural connection, flow, way of being. My heart wants to know how to do this within the context of being in social/societal world.

  • Maria

    Beautiful! It says all that needs to be said.

  • Cindy

    A modern, sage, saint, wisdom-keeper, we are blessed she is in our world. Only wish we could clone her!

  • Lynne

    Such an Inspiring lady I would like to know more about her such a peaceful way to live and BE

  • Ginny

    Antoinette is the Tasha Tudor of another country. Tasha has passed on, but their hearts are in harmony.

  • Nancy McKee

    I am inspired about the simplicity in Antoinette's life . . . something we miss because . . . we complicate life.. thinking that makes it more interesting when, infact it makes us miss what "life" really is.

  • Gill Hughes

    Antoinette confirmed that's what I'm looking for to move into the countryside, in nature, with my husband and dog - the video relates to me so much. I am very grateful. Thank you. Namaste.


    Amazing video, amazing story :)

  • Lisa

    I really lobe this woman. She is very wise and authentic. I relate to her because since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to just live freely in nature, and at some points in my life I was lucky enough to be able to. Most importantly I love what she says about being content and loving yourself. Very critical in a world of mass media that is constantly telling you that you are not enough. Do not look at your television, nor magazines. Look within.

  • bluebird

    The Secret of Life: to be content! So profound. I wonder what language she is speaking? Does anyone know?

  • Deepak

    Thank you . The video makes one reflect about the impermanence of life

  • K. Srinivasan

    If everyone starts living like her then the forest itself will soon become a city and so on. Utilizing the serenity one should still the restless mind within for therein lies true peace and joy of the heart. Not in external possessions

  • Kris

    She moved me as a true spirit in the flesh!

  • Kay

    Her grounded being and her wisdom!

  • Nora

    I could feel her serenity...it is holy and beautiful. Thank you

  • Margaret

    Antoinette could have written the book on mindful self-compassion. She is an inspiring woman on so many levels. And how beautiful she is!

  • Ratnakara

    I would shave my head if she would let me live on her compound! I understand the essence of her insights though it is challenging to maintain the serenity in our hyper-active world! I am grateful that there are people like Antoinette sharing her Earth-inspired wisdom. And I love her herd of cats!

  • alan peberdy

    What a beautiful woman, so full of the paradoxical abundance of the Karoo, and expressed through the richness of Afrikaans! Thank you.

  • Page 1

  • Learn more about the life journey of the amazing Antoinette.
  • Follow these practical steps to contentment.
  • Reflect on the quote, "If you look at zero you see nothing. When you look through it, you see everything." 

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