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Eyes" is a music video that invites us to pay close attention to the Earth, to love her deeply and take action to heal her wounds. The song reminds us that every act of attention is an act of reciprocity, generating wonder and joy, perpetuating the gift. When we fall in love with the living world, a profound intention emerges from our attention, a longing to protect and honor her. This intention transforms into action, and we become agents of change, fueled by our love for our Mother Planet and a compelling sense of well-being for future generations. Explore a lesson plan that was designed to accompany Granddaughter' Eyes as a way to spread clima... posted on Apr 19 2023 (4,123 reads)

to Minnesota, I don’t know, over a quarter century ago, to be this magnificent but quiet, local publisher. And now we have watched it in these 25 years go from strength, to strength, to strength. And now I’ll just say it again: they are the publisher of the 24th Poet Laureate of the United States.  [applause] And I am so thrilled to have this conversation with Ada Limón to be part of our first season. For her voice of insistent honesty and wholeness and wisdom and joyfulness. And also I’m so happy to be together with you in the old-fashioned flesh, which we no longer take for granted. Ada Limón:That’s true. Tippett:I have your books, an... posted on Apr 22 2023 (3,258 reads)

to being a minor apocalypse. But no. Being a heavenly resident doesn’t automatically make you a big deal. Some heavenly deals are apparently bigger than others and if you are others then you are automatically a minor deal. That is how it goes more often than not in the cosmos, at least until we know better (which is hopefully soon). But back to Iris, deemed (for now at least) a minor goddess of the Greeks. Luminous daughter of a marine god, and a cloud nymph, begat by sea and sky, the joy of all who beheld her. In statues, paintings, poems and dreams, Iris is shapely of form, sparkling of eye, pitchered of hand. The ancients believed she used this convenient container to repleni... posted on Apr 24 2023 (3,091 reads)

alive in our stories and memories as well as the rising and setting of the sun. Even when we watch the breath, this moment-by-moment awareness, we are also present in time’s flow, oxygen entering the body with each and every breath, and then flowing out into our body and life.   And as we grow older we come closer to the mysterious intersection of timelessness and time. This is the garden we first knew as children, the “in the beginning” of our own story when play was joy. But now it beckons in a different way with the slowing of our body, with back pains and shortness of breath. There are more spaces in our days when nothing happens, when emptiness can be present,... posted on May 2 2023 (3,413 reads)

easy prayer of simple breathing. This is how a church should be, the joining of warm wood together making walls invisible, calling us to join in, not leave behind the life outside the door. A church vulnerable to fire and water, a prayer vessel floating in the forest. Mesmerized by amber tree lines ringing around me, I knew courageous prayers are said in places like this with wood, not stone listening. I knew utter joy sweeps through places like these, a shelter, not an escape. Unfettered by damp rock and twisted metal hidden behind stained glass, lead lined but a living, breathing wil... posted on May 11 2023 (4,651 reads)

find herself drawing and doing artwork. And after she graduated from the degree as a lawyer, she didn’t want it. She’s now pursuing art and she has some pieces that she sells all over the world. But if she had denied herself to dream, she’ll be sitting in some office and being a lawyer and never be happy. Get out. Find that dream. Chase that dream, because that’s who you are. We are all born to dream. Our purpose is to find that dream. And once we do, we find the joy. TS: I’ve been speaking with Dr. Tererai Trent, educator, humanitarian, and author of the book, The Awakened Woman: Remembering and Reigniting Our Sacred Dreams. Dr. Tererai Tre... posted on May 24 2023 (2,902 reads)

-- I nearly forgot the most important thing: refuse to wear uncomfortable pants, even if they make you look really thin. Promise me you'll never wear pants that bind or tug or hurt, pants that have an opinion about how much you've just eaten. The pants may be lying! There is way too much lying and scolding going on politically right now without your pants getting in on the act, too. So bless you. You've done an amazing thing. And you are loved; you are capable of lives of great joy and meaning. It's what you are made of. And it's what you're for. So take care of yourselves; take care of each other. Thank you. ... posted on Jun 5 2023 (3,833 reads)

all, and not slowly over time like we all do as we age, but swiftly, mercilessly, watching ability after ability fall away like so many loose hairs. I was thirty-five years old, living at Green Gulch Farm, a Marin County wing of the San Francisco Zen Center. It took four months for me to lose everything that meant anything to me: my strong, energetic body; my ability to achieve whatever I focused on and win the admiration of others for it; my pleasure in being a sexually attractive woman; my joy in bestowing the sweet attentions that mark a nurturing mother; my ability to do the required Zen training practices, which were the purpose of living in the community at Green Gulch; and perhaps ... posted on Jun 15 2023 (3,422 reads)

Somehow, human beings are able to intuit the meaning embedded, for example, in a drawn line. The speed or slowness of a line, or the darkness or the lightness of a line, can trigger a response—can be read as an emotion. For example, if we ask students to express anger by using just lines drawn with pencil on paper, with no recognizable images or symbols whatsoever, in almost every case, students will use very dark, rapid, and jagged lines. Then, if we ask them to express joy, the lines they draw are lighter, smoother, circular, and rising. This seems to be a basic ability in humans—humans untrained in the art of drawing—to draw and to “read”... posted on Jul 9 2023 (2,614 reads)

about this kind of setup: a child who lives in constant suffering as the cost of utopia. If there’s nothing but this life, how do we generate our accountability to all the life that will follow us? I was very young when I started to pull at the threads of the story. In the same way I slowly outgrew the delightful carrot-stick mythology of Santa Claus, I have slowly outgrown the idea of a punitive god waiting in a future heaven, and that my access to eternal peace and joy is predicated on my Earthly behavior. That story felt and feels like a narrative for people who want to judge but not be judged, who want peace without the rigor of practice, who want heaven wi... posted on Jul 12 2023 (4,918 reads)

calls to mind Ursula K. Le Guin’s parallel between writing and falling in love and Italo Calvino’s reflection on how literature is like love, Rose considers the singular allure of love above all of life’s other satisfactions: However satisfying writing is — that mix of discipline and miracle, which leaves you in control, even when what appears on the page has emerged from regions beyond your control — it is a very poor substitute indeed for the joy and the agony of loving. Of there being someone who loves and desires you, and he glories in his love and desire, and you glory in his ever-strange being, which comes up against you, and disappear... posted on Jul 14 2023 (2,449 reads)

an integrative health movement, someone who has widened the path that Lissa and I have walked. I just wanna take this moment to recognize her and all those who have done work in healing the earth, healing ourselves, expanding science, spreading wisdom and love on all sides of the bedside, so to speak, because we're really all learning and growing and healing together. It is a pleasure, Lissa, to be in conversation with you today. Lissa Rankin: Oh, thank you so much. It's a joy to be with you and to see you again. And I'm in the woods in California, so I apologize for any tech glitches as well. Where I live we only just got pretty decent wifi during the pandemic beca... posted on Aug 28 2023 (3,484 reads)

outbreak of ocean diseases that happened so close together, it almost seemed that the ocean had mirror neurons activating our own. After all, Marco Iacoboni (2011) says, “We live within each other.”  Author Michael McCarthy (2016) believes “There is an ancient bond with the natural world surviving deep within us, which makes it not a luxury, not an optional extra, but a part of our essence…the natural home for our psyches where we can find not only joy, but peace. And to destroy it is to destroy a fundamental part of ourselves. Should we lose it, we would be less whole…less than we have evolved to be…we would find true peace imposs... posted on Sep 26 2023 (3,227 reads)

Love" posts here... September 7th, 2018 I was surprised and honored to be invited as a keynote speaker last month in Atlanta for an innovative national health care organization. A few years ago, my brother introduced me to his friend, the CEO of this company, via e-mail. He is a remarkable leader and writer who follows my cancer journey with kindness and support. We agreed I would focus part of the talk on the terminal cancer diagnosis and how I stay positive, even joyful, despite this challenge. I knew the team was young, and I wanted at the very least to be interesting, and if possible, inspirational. I knew it was not going to be easy to simmer my life&rsq... posted on Oct 31 2023 (54,020 reads)

of hosting my mother raised me on begin to thaw. I started letting people bring things when they offered, instead of saying oh, no—we’ve got it taken care of! and then sweating my way through an entire Saturday of cooking. And as I relaxed into a pattern of preparing food with my guests—often for the first full hour of a dinner party—I felt the welcoming warmth of an ancient practice come into my home: gathering around the hearth to enjoy cooking and eating together, as a community. Gathering Should Be a Family Affair Speaking of things being better together, over the past month I’ve come to believe that whenever possib... posted on Nov 8 2023 (2,921 reads)

me, 20 seconds. And what it does is it takes that moment of ventral and it marks it in a different way. Because it could be. It could just be cat jumps up, you say hi, you move them on, and you’re done. You don’t get the same benefit that way. So look for a micro-moment. So everybody who’s listening to us right now, if they want to look for a micro-moment, where they felt just this momentary sense of OK-ness. It’s all it needs to be: OK-ness. Doesn’t have to be joy, wonder, awe, just OK-ness. And then hold that in their act of awareness for 20 seconds. And that does something very different with that experience. It wires it in in a different way. And once... posted on Nov 12 2023 (5,243 reads)

of others, but rather the Three Conditions of your soul. These are the conditions that make you human, keep you alive, and open you up to a world of infinite possibilities and the fulfillment of knowing what you are here to do and be. I wish you so much blessing, success, love, and guidance in everything you are going to experience in your life. Shine like the sun and be a light for everyone in your life. Only you have the power to create the better you. Use your gifts and live your most joyous life. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Do something today to show your commitment to living that life you once considered a myth. If you’re happy, you’re helping. Let intention, joy... posted on Feb 13 2024 (4,031 reads)

have the capacity to deal with it. Because your anger, your disappointment, is part of you, don’t fight against it.” Instead, he advocates, “return to the breath.” Once you are there, ask yourself and others big questions to reboot and begin the path of self-recovery. Part of the gift that Julien’s father was referencing is the opportunity to reconsider what is important, to rediscover our real strengths, and to perhaps choose a path that would be more fitting or joyful—in other words, a personal transformation. As research by Jack Mezirow and others finds, when self-transformation occurs, we adopt a new definition of self, a new passion for life, and a ... posted on Apr 3 2024 (3,855 reads)

we’re stuck in that comparison spiral. Once we remove the shame of “they’re right, I’m wrong” from our brains, we have more space to nurture our own friendships and our own communities at our own pace. It’s hard to do that when you’re beating yourself up. So once you’ve talked yourself down from the ledge, ask yourself: How can I reach out to the friends I do have or want to have? How can I connect with them further? How can I find more joy in the friendships I have? How can I set more boundaries and communicate better with them? And perhaps: How can I let go of the friendships that aren’t making me truly happy? ... posted on Apr 5 2024 (1,783 reads)

practices, supply chain practices, etc. We measure them and we verify it. They're in over 80, I think it's now close to 90 countries, 160 industries, all with this one uniting vision, which is to redefine success, in business and in our culture.There’s  another element of this I’d like to share,  demonstrated by the founders of the European B Corp community. See the confetti flying down  over what was likely 150 people celebrating — there's just so much joy. They are just in the most joyful state  celebrating what they're doing, both individually, with their individual businesses, and together. They realize they can't transform the economic syst... posted on Apr 16 2024 (1,775 reads)

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We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.
Harry Edwards

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