(Quote by Max Ehrmann)
This above cartoon strip originally appeared on Zen Pencils and is reprinted here with permission from artist Gavin Aung Than. Gavin is a freelance cartoonist based in Melbourne, Australia. After working in the corporate graphic design industry for 8 years he quit to focus on his true passion, drawing cartoons. Gavin launched Zen Pencils at the start of 2012, a cartoon blog which adapts inspirational quotes into comic stories, and hasn’t looked back since.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
Hillary Clinton will never be president.
The universe is unfolding as it should. In times like this keep in mind that the universe is in charge - always and works in mysterious ways. When we wonder "what the hell is going on?" it is important to have faith and trust in the truth. Always in the truth. When someone of bad character seems to win keep in mind, the universe will set all straight, we don't have to worry. Live honestly and truthfully and all will be well - trust.
Peace in Truth
Last night as I watched live video of Hillary Clinton's headquarters in New York, I saw some people looking really scared and sad, realizing that she would be defeated in the election. And then I also saw some people in that same hall dancing and smiling. This reminded me that we always have a choice in our attitude -- to be fearful, or to dance -- and that we can still care about what we care about.
11/9/16. Reading this poem - this morning - brought me great, needed solace and comic relief.. Thank you. The truths in these words are a map to be the change we want to see in the world - Liberty and Justice for All. The World is Beautiful and deserves individual commitment to preserve Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Life is not meant to be a popularity contest.
"When the people will lead, the leaders will follow." Gandhi
This was as inspirational to me in the 1970's as it is now.
It's especially timely on this morning.
I find most of Mark Twain's quotes to be inspirational , honest and they always bring a smile.
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This could not come on a better day - a day when I feel disillusioned and fearful for us all.
On Feb 22, 2017 Mitchell Gertken wrote:
I find myself to be an optimist. I think that, despite all the horrors and sadness of the world, that we can overcome the issues we make for ourselves. But, like many people, I'd had my hopes questioned a few months ago. Since reading this, and talking out most of my fears with other people... well, words like these give me hope. They reinforce the idea that, even in the most uncertain of times, we can manage. We might not have the best of times, but... we'll manage. A late response, but... sincerely, thank you for reposting this. DailyGood, ZenPencils... seriously, thank you.
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