hi to you too Kara. Yes, our educational system is really about indoctrination in whatever vested monetary and/or political interests that have an agenda at the Federal level, which is instilled all along the educational spectrum up to and including higher education. And yet, real knowledge and ground-breaking innovation is left to languish and die, buried in obscurity, most of it discovered by scientists studying the workings of nature and natural processes. It would come as a shock for human civilization to learn how much innovation, and truly free and freeing energy technology has been kept hidden by those who believe that money can enhance their lives, gain them an advantage over others, even save them, their children, grandchildren, and future generations. We, our human civilization, are holding ourselves back by clinging to archaic and lethal explosive energy, polluting, burning, radiating, and destroying lands, waters, and the atmosphere, damaging and killing human populations, land and sea life, even changing the climate of our planet, and all the money gained from it will disappear like dust in the very hands of all those clinging to it. We all know by now that money is not lasting wealth, especially fiat currencies, which all monetary systems throughout the history of humanity have become. They were all overinflated until all of them turned to dust.
Not long ago, I was listening to an astrophysicist discuss why we don't see more highly advanced civilizations in the cosmos. (Although clearly if anyone out there is paying any attention to humanity and the violent and dire planetary situation we are still insisting on for ourselves and all life on our planet home, they are surely and wisely hiding themselves). However, what this astrophysicist was saying is that there are levels of planetary civilizations at the cosmic level. I think he said up to and including number Five. Humanity is not to humber One yet. And indeed, he was saying that many civilizations die out just like humanity is choosing to do before even getting to a civilization of number One - killing one another and all life off their planet to chase false rewards by chaining themselves and their own peoples to ignorance and arrogance, lies and deceptions, violence, oppression, suppression, force, manipulation, warfare, degradation, and destruction.
We have to want to live. It really is simple. We have to stop choosing suffering and death for everyone and all of life, including all human populations, animals, birds, fish, insects, and all plant and forest life. Regardless of whatever falsehoods (eg. superiority and entitlement over others, domination over creation, etc.) and false rewards, most especially money, that we are being deceived into believing in and investing our time and resources to follow, we have to wake up and truly want to live. And, live with some joy, peace, abundance, and true wisdom. If we can't let go of everything that is destroying and killing us, and one another, and all life off our planet home, well,
did we really deserve to live on?
Maybe the universe has it's own way of getting rid of those planetary civilizations who choose suffering and death. The universe lets them have their choice.
It is just sad to witness, actually very pathetic, and truly disheartening.
We could be much more, so much more than what we are settling for being - our own very worst enemy,
blind to the true treasures of our diverse planet, both its peoples
and all the glory of creation in nature,
lost to our own greatness,
and to the incredible gift of love and life,
creating hell on earth when heaven could be ours for the choosing.
Of course, Kara, we don't give up on hope and faith in the power of love to conquer all. There is more to our vast universe than just what we see or hear in the physical evidence. The universe has lots of surprises in store for those who love and dream. Keep looking up; those old trustworthy stars are surely looking down on us. Peace, Kara.
On Apr 27, 2015 Symin wrote:
Profoundly inspiring! Beautiful story of friendship, creativity, philanthropy, and ingenuity. Thankyou so much for sharing.