The fascinating aspect of this work is that if our non-utilitarian values are shaped by our upbringing as much as much as natural law, that inter-cultural conflict may be be more difficult to resolve than one would hope. For example, this might help us appreciate the difficulty in helping children who have grown up in a war environment to accept their parents' enemies as possible friends and respected colleagues. Thank you for bringing this research to our attention.
On Feb 17, 2012Hunygun wrote:
" research from IPCC" - you mean the data the fabricated data about the Greenland ice cores? How about Mann's completely made up hockey stick? How about the new data that climate "scientists" were completely wrong about the glaciers melting?
On Feb 29, 2012 Mark wrote:
The fascinating aspect of this work is that if our non-utilitarian values are shaped by our upbringing as much as much as natural law, that inter-cultural conflict may be be more difficult to resolve than one would hope. For example, this might help us appreciate the difficulty in helping children who have grown up in a war environment to accept their parents' enemies as possible friends and respected colleagues. Thank you for bringing this research to our attention.