Mind & Body
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Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering at Princeton, Professor Jahn, after 12 years of experiments involving more than 100 subjects in thousands of trials, has uncovered astonishing evidence that electronic devices can be controlled by thought. The human subjects proved capable of altering the output of the devices so much that the chances of getting such a bias by fluke alone is calculated to... posted on May 21 2003, 1,050 reads


Pushing One's Limits
The Shaolin monks stand on their fingers, bend their legs over their shoulders and balance their belly's on top of a spike -- and that's just for starters. The monks are part of a 1500 year old tradition of meditation.... posted on May 17 2003, 1,197 reads


... posted on Apr 28 2003, 772 reads


Meditation is fast appearing in unexpected places throughout modern culture. Secretaries do it as part of their daily noon yoga classes. Preadolescent teenagers dropped off at the YMCA by their mothers on a Saturday morning are learning it as part of their karate training. Truck drivers and housewives in the Stress Reduction Programs use it to control hypertension. Prisoners engage in 10 days o... posted on Apr 26 2003, 2,529 reads


Before the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, biologists note that there is a huge occurence of 'imaginal cells'. At first, they aren't recognized by the immune system so the caterpillar's immune system wipes them out as they pop up. It isn't until they begin to link forces and join up with each other that they get stronger and are able to resist the onslaught of the immune system, until the imm... posted on Apr 16 2003, 1,723 reads


Halfway around the world, American Sufi Muslims join in. Fundamentalist Christians add their prayers, as do Orthodox Jews at Jersualem's Western Wall. "Jimmy P," a heart patient at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, is part of a global scientific experiment trying to find out: Does prayer heal? Yes, is the answer of more and more experiment in this arena.... posted on Apr 05 2003, 1,081 reads


A nine-year study of the mortality rate among 21,000 adults found that those who attended religious services more than once a week lived up to seven years longer than those who did not.... posted on Mar 28 2003, 870 reads


A growing body of research suggests that millions are managing their stress in precisely the wrong way. They compartmentalize by stressing out all day — and then push off relaxation to isolated blocks of time like evening yoga classes and weekend getaways. But this binge-and-purge approach to stress management won't work. Wall Street Journal reports: you have to deal with stress as it happen... posted on Mar 20 2003, 1,203 reads


A Spiritual Shift in Physics
A professor of physics at the University of Oregon and a member of its Institute of Theoretical Science, Dr. Amit Goswami is part of a growing body of renegade scientists who in recent years have ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of their experiments and to validate their intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimen... posted on Feb 27 2003, 1,497 reads


When two people are in close proximity, one's electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is registered in the other's electroencephalogram (EEG). In other words, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brainwaves, and vice versa ... even without any physical contact! ... posted on Feb 18 2003, 1,022 reads


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