Author Archives For 'Gavin Aung Than'



by Gavin Aung Than

Jan 19, 2016
61,289 reads

Desiderata: By Max Ehrmann

by Gavin Aung Than

Nov 09, 2016
59,593 reads

What If Money Were No Object

by Gavin Aung Than

Feb 19, 2013
42,972 reads

The Pale Blue Dot

by Gavin Aung Than

Apr 15, 2014
23,359 reads

President Abdul Kalam on Life's Pursuit

by Gavin Aung Than

Jan 29, 2016
17,841 reads

Ludwig Van Beethoven: Art Has No Limits

by Gavin Aung Than

Jun 09, 2024
3,157 reads

Quote Bulletin

Every saint has a bee in his halo.
Elbert Hubbard

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