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to embrace and integrate the complexity of being human. The Story of The Whisper from Kobrini Stories on Vimeo. I ignored The Whisper for many years, but it never gave up.  Lean Back The Whisper The tiny little Whisper inside I made a career out of not listening to it Until it broke me free Under the big sky of Montana Nowhere to hide from the truth That nobody knew about me I run a manufacturing plant and I hate it I am a scientist An executive I lean into success I lead from behind and beside I am a business woman At the top of her game And my Whisper saw something else She saw me dying Dying to fit in the boy’s club Dying to prove my wort... posted on Oct 7 2023 (3,996 reads)

of your vision, you are adding a black and white pixel onto the screen of your life. Soon, the vision will be gone, the inspiration will fade, and you will have had your life chosen for you instead of choosing your life for yourself. Make a decision and start today.”   After he said those words, I was changed. It was a moment of grace, a moment where I was given another chance and an opportunity to start again and live a life I wanted to live. They say people who are successful make decisions fast and change their minds slowly. People who aren’t successful make decisions slowly and change their minds fast. If you know, then you know. You can take a step or a... posted on Feb 13 2024 (4,616 reads)

whose context is more likely to inform the right choice or decision. 4.“Everything You Do Is an Intervention.” This is another key principle that Ed liked to point out. In contrast to the traditional sequence of diagnosis followed by intervention, Ed said that everything we do, including diagnostic activities, is already an intervention in the existing system. 5.“Everything You Experience Is Data." We live in a data-driven economy. Data is what drives the success or failure of companies, regions, and economies. This generally refers to third-person data, the stuff you observe. Ed had a different take. As a social scientist and an action researcher, he ... posted on Mar 1 2024 (2,994 reads)

my wife Randi, who is responsible for me being here, not just by creating the space to allow me to do my work and care for our family, and having been the primary caregiver for our kids. She also carried the financial burden - when we started our first company, she was the only one of the three of us (who started the company) that actually had income. And so, to the extent that we had food on the table, it was because she was employed.While that business grew incredibly rapidly and was quite successful, there was a period there in the back half of it which was also quite painful. There was a Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael sort of schism; a split between me and my best friend and co-foun... posted on Apr 16 2024 (2,155 reads)

city is doing what it can to broaden its reach beyond those most inclined toward zero-waste. For example, the program leans on social influences through advertisements, festivals, and community meetups, and spokespeople like Bea Johnson, the zero-waste social media influencer. (When she was invited to give a talk in Roubaix in 2015, the event was so popular that the city had to change locations three times in order to accommodate more attendees.) Roubaix also promotes the stories of its most successful familles zéro déchet in local, regional, and national media outlets — a strategy that has drawn so much positive press that the city’s communications director... posted on Jun 29 2024 (2,225 reads)

They even hired a “happiness coordinator” (whose code name is “Sunny,” of course). Her identity needs to be a secret, too, so she can help out with the eavesdropping. “We swore her to secrecy -- her parents think she works in marketing. And, really, if you think about it, she is doing public relations and spends a lot of time looking for people to help at the supermarket!” These days, The 9 Nanas are able to take on even bigger projects, given their online success. Recently they donated more than $5,000 of pillows and linens and personal care products to a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. And this August, they’ll celebrate their second ... posted on Jun 29 2012 (1,783,513 reads)

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In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not.
Yogi Berra

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