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Parks Canada, the world's first national park service is established in Canada.
Parks Canada was established on May 19, 1911, as the Dominion Parks Branch under the Department of the Interior, becoming the world's first national park service. Since its creation, its name has changed, known variously as the Dominion Parks Branch, National Parks Branch, Parks Canada, and the Canadian Parks Service, before a return to Parks Canada in 1998. ... posted on May 19 2014, 931 clicks


The National Woman Suffrage Association formed to campaign for woman’s right to vote.
On May 15, 1869, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed the National Woman Suffrage Association in New York City to campaign for a constitutional amendment to grant a woman’s right to vote.... posted on May 15 2014, 662 clicks


Hong Kong starts destroying ivory cache
Hong Kong started incinerating its nearly 30-ton stockpile of confiscated ivory on Thursday to show it's serious about cracking down on an illegal wildlife trade that is devastating Africa's elephant population. Authorities destroyed the first batch by burning a metric ton of elephant tusks and carved ivory figurines and bracelets in a rotary kiln. Destroying the 28-ton stockpile, which is... posted on May 15 2014, 511 clicks


‘Eco-feminism’ helps save girl children in India
A gender revolution is silently under way in India's northwestern state of Rajasthan as expectant parents reject the long-standing practice of aborting female foetuses. Faced with an alarmingly skewed ratio of boys to girls, villagers in the dusty and arid region surrounding Jaipur, the state’s capital, are turning their backs on female foeticide rooted in cultural tradition. Led by v... posted on May 15 2014, 235 clicks


UN marks Buddhist holiday and urges leaders to work for common good
The Buddhist teachings of peace, compassion and love should help guide governments and the international community, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, urging international cooperation for the betterment of all humankind. In his message for Vesak Day, Mr. Ban highlighted Buddha's message of 'peace, compassion and love for all living beings,' especially those in need. 'In each of these area... posted on May 13 2014, 763 clicks


Quote Bulletin

Rainbows apologize for angry skies.
Sylvia A. Voirol

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