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Sep 12, 2006
"When I say beautiful things, I'm not necessarily living them; when I live them, the beautiful thing is that words aren't necessary." --Brock Tully
70 Best-Loved Words
We each have a special relationship to the words we use, and our vocabulary often reflects our way of relating to the world. An intriguing survey conducted by the British Council collected and compiled the top 70 favorite words of the English language. The Council asked more than 7,000 learners in 46 countries what they considered the most beautiful English words. "It's interesting that mother, the only word of the 70 that describes a direct relationship between people, came top of the poll," said Greg Selby, the council's communications and marketing officer, who managed the project. This link has the other top 70 words.
Words can mean different things to different people. What is your favorite word and what does it mean to you? Share your answer here. More ...