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Jul 7, 2013
"Meditation is a flower and compassion is its fragrance" --Osho
The Morality of Meditation
Meditation is a hot trend in the arena of mind-improvement. Mounting evidence that the practice can boost memory, creativity and IQ has attracted mainstream attention. "But gaining competitive advantage on exams and increasing creativity in business weren't of the utmost concern to Buddha and other early meditation teachers. As Buddha himself said, "I teach one thing and one only: that is, suffering and the end of suffering." But does meditation work as promised? Is its originally intended effect -- the reduction of suffering -- empirically demonstrable?" David DeSteno's lab put that question to the test and he shares their intriguing results in this New York Times article.
Do a 30-day meditation challenge! Carve out time to sit in stillness each day for a month and observe the effect it has on you and your relationships.