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Jul 9, 2013
"The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor." --Bill O'Brien
Uncovering the Blind Spot of Leadership
Why do many of our attempts to address the challenges of our times fail? This article presents the view that two leaders in the same environment acting in the same way can bring about completely different outcomes depending on the inner place from which each operates. We know very little about this inner dimension and this lack of knowledge constitutes a blind spot in our approach to leadership and management. This article sheds light on the inner dimension of leadership and presents seven leadership capacities to develop in order to become a more effective leader. "Profound change today not only requires a shift of the mind, it requires a shift of the will and a shift of the heart."
Today, take a moment to consider the inner conditions from where your leadership practices are emerging. How can you lead from a deeper place?