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Jun 28, 2024

" If not for reverence, if not for wonder, if not for love, why have we come here?" --Raffi

The Whisper of Reverence

"Here, we rest in reverence," writes Greta Matos, co-founder of CuraKuda. But where is here? Greta reflects about what it means to move with a herd of horses in Chile, and how different, yet similar that is to the life she once led. Greta now advocates for communing with nature where awe and reverence show up not through visits to the mountaintops, but in the long rides she takes, collaborative journeys alongside four-legged teachers. Movement is a part of the job, yet "yet there is always ritualistic space and time for rest and reverence" she writes. And while it is easy to lose site of ourselves in our structured worlds of interstates and byways, glass, concrete, and stone, focusing on the end goal "The intention [...], must not be the destination, but instead, the relationality of the process."


Pay attention to the herd of two-legged creatures you walk alongside today. What about their activities reflects them? Take a moment to notice someone and their story unfolding in front of you. How does it fit into the broader herd as a reflection of their own creative contribution? Note what you revere about their actions.