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Families in One Town Adopt 77 Children. This Couple Led the Way.
Donna Martin was one of eighteen children whose mother managed to instill respect, compassion, and unconditional love in each of them. Donna went through devastating pain and loss following her mother’s passing. After grieving for months, she felt a call to “Give back. What about those children that didn’t have what you had?” Though she and her husband were not well-off and... posted on Jul 09 2024, 1,605 reads


When People Reach Out To Help Their Neighbors...
A young carpenter who volunteered at an orphanage in Ghana wanted to help children make a living. A couple with a woodworking school in Pennsylvania sponsored his training, education, and other local support. When he returned to Ghana, with a little help from his Pennsylvania “neighbors,” he and local community volunteers built bridges, fixed roads, repaired buildings, and even learned... posted on Jul 07 2024, 2,136 reads


Cultivation and Practice: Q&A with Rev. Heng Sure
Like many who grew up in the middle of America in the 1950s, his childhood was characterized by sports, church, and pop culture influences like the Mickey Mouse Club. Upon seeing Chinese characters at the age of fourteen, an unshakeable feeling of familiarity overtook him. When he opened the door to move into his dorm room as a freshman in college, he found his roommate meditating in full lotus on... posted on Jul 05 2024, 2,113 reads


The Night I Died
Tracy Cochran describes a night when she was robbed by three men while walking down a dark street. One held her in a chokehold that can kill in less than twenty seconds. During the chokehold, Tracy had what is described as “conscious dying, or transference of consciousness at the time of death, or even a flash of enlightenment without meditation.” She describes it in exquisite detail a... posted on Jul 03 2024, 4,947 reads


Infinity of an Open Heart
Cynthia Li invites us along on an illuminating experience while kayaking in a wilderness. In the silence and blanket of darkness, she stops paddling and begins to drift. She feels suspended in the “dance of the oneness” -- of past, present, and future. She feels both tremendous terror and tremendous freedom hoping to “trust enough in my aloneness to dissolve fully into this great... posted on Jul 01 2024, 2,497 reads


Bringing France’s Waste Prevention Plan to Life
Andrée Nieuwjaer's fridge is brimming with produce that she got for free. Last summer, she ate peaches, plums, carrots, zucchinis, turnips, and endives that local grocers couldn't sell due to aesthetic imperfections or being slightly overripe. Nieuwjaer, a resident of Roubaix, France, transforms discarded bread into pudding and breadcrumbs that layer a casserole; diced beets into long-lasti... posted on Jun 29 2024, 1,982 reads


The Whisper of Reverence
"Here, we rest in reverence," writes Greta Matos, co-founder of CuraKuda. But where is here? Greta reflects about what it means to move with a herd of horses in Chile, and how different, yet similar that is to the life she once led. Greta now advocates for communing with nature where awe and reverence show up not through visits to the mountaintops, but in the long rides she takes, collaborative jo... posted on Jun 28 2024, 2,021 reads


The Solutionary Way
Zoe Weil had forty-five youngsters identify the world’s biggest problems, and was surprised when only five of them thought we could solve them. If children can’t imagine solving problems, “what will motivate them to try to make a difference?” Then, with their eyes closed, she helped them imagine a day in the future where all the problems had been solved, and questioned, &ld... posted on Jun 27 2024, 2,082 reads


Four Steps to Help People Feel Listened To
Your child announces he's in love and dropping out of college to travel with his beloved across the globe. Your uncle makes a politically charged comment over a holiday meal. A doctor brushes off your concern, reiterating a line of reasoning you've already discussed. It can be a bewildering, enraging, or disempowering experience when something so clearly true from our perspective is so adamantly a... posted on Jun 26 2024, 3,852 reads


Painting in the Dharma
In 1969, Rosalyn White moved from Washington D.C. to attend the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California. "I was like a kid in a candy store!" she says. The hippie revolution was still in bloom and she discovered a place in Berkeley, Calif. called the Nyingma Meditation Center. That's where she met Tarthang Tulku. Little did she know how her art journey was to change. For over ... posted on Jun 25 2024, 1,433 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Life has meaning only if one barters it day by day for something other than itself.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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