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4 Ways to a Happier Workday
Do you suffer from the Sunday night blues five nights a week? In his study at Harvard University, author Shawn Achor found that only 45 percent of workers surveyed were happy at their jobs. From his experience designing a course on happiness, working with Fortune 500 companies across 42 countries, and restarting the world's largest banks after the economic collapse, Achor concludes, "Most people b... posted on Oct 22 2010, 58,636 reads


5 Steps to Breaking Bad Work Habits
We all have our own bad habits at the office. Maybe it's gossiping or complaining. Or binge eating or nail-biting. Or checking e-mail incessantly. Whatever the habit, we'd be happier without it. Andrew Rosen, author of "How to Quit Your Job," offers 5 steps to leave bad workplace habits behind as you pave a healthier, balanced lifestyle.... posted on Nov 01 2010, 19,566 reads


The Art of Motivating Employees
Could a simple five-minute interaction with another person dramatically increase your weekly productivity? In some employment environments, the answer is yes, according to Wharton management professor Adam Grant. Grant has devoted significant chunks of his professional career to examining what motivates workers in settings that range from call centers and mail-order pharmacies to swimming pool lif... posted on Dec 09 2010, 17,917 reads


The Burrito Man Who Changed Lives
For almost 20 years, he was there. A little guy in a metal cart, selling rice-and-bean burritos at 17th and K street. There in all weather, he became a dependable rock in the rapids of life in downtown Washington DC. He recalled not only his patrons' food preferences, but also the names of their children and standings of their sports teams. Workers who had been transferred away would come find him... posted on Oct 28 2010, 15,261 reads


Job Perks of an Optimist
A new study by researchers at Yale and Duke Universities find that optimism pays off in job hunting and promotions. After studying the effect of an optimistic disposition on MBA students' job searches, the researchers found that optimists fared better than their less-optimistic peers. Optimistic grads found jobs more easily, with less-intensive job searches. Even better, two years after graduation... posted on Nov 24 2010, 8,718 reads


A Call for Another Way of Living / Godfrey Reggio:
A gem from the man behind the film, Koyaanisqatsi: "To be is to fly the flag of one's own shadow. That's what I try to tell students who are graduating, 'Don't let your diploma be your death certificate.' It's endemic for all of us to get caught into mass ways of living, yet we have the gift of life. There is no limitation on that other than the real power of limit, and limits give us power. It's ... posted on Oct 08 2010, 7,975 reads


100-Year-Old Doctor Still Making Rounds
Dr. Walter Watson of Augusta, Georgia sees a few patients every day. Then, he drives himself down the block to University Hospital where he still serves as chairman of his department. Why is this significant? He's 100 years old. From his first delivery in 1944 until 1995, Dr. Watson ushered in a small army of satisfied customers. Today, they're known simply as the "Watson babies." Having delivered... posted on Nov 21 2010, 7,312 reads


Grandmother Runs a Hospital of Hope
Several times a week, a 74-year-old grandmother drives into the crime capital of the world to help keep a sanctuary for its citizens alive. Guadalupe Arizpe De La Vega insists on returning to her hometown to preserve the Hospital de la Familia, a health center she started more than 30 years ago. Despite the violence, De La Vega's hospital and its staff- which treats about 900 patients daily, regar... posted on Nov 09 2010, 5,006 reads


Hire Just One
During hard economic times, most people and businesses focus on earning and saving money, not giving it away. But one Philadelphia philanthropist believes that donating to charity is the key to boosting the economy and getting Americans back to work. In an effort called "Hire Just One," Gene Epstein is promoting a $250,000 effort, which donates $1,000 to charity in the name of businesses that hire... posted on Oct 24 2010, 4,622 reads


A Class of Their Own
Over the last weeks I've been to two separate memorial services for teachers - in one case also a headmistress - from my years in secondary school. Margaret Gray was a splendid woman who died aged 97, alert and engaged to the end. Fueled by a quiet but powerful personal faith, she worked tirelessly for girls' education, rising to be the headmistress of the voluntarily-aided state grammar which I a... posted on Dec 19 2010, 4,256 reads


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The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace
Mahatma Gandhi

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