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Oct 8, 2006
"My experience with these groups is that the stronger the collective wisdom present, the stronger my sense of unique individuality -- only now it's within the context of the whole rather than separate from the whole." --Tom Callanan
Discovering Collective Wisdom
Call it collective consciousness, team synergy, co-intelligence, or group mind -- a growing number of people are discovering through their own experience that wholes are indeed far more than the sum of their parts; that when individuals come together with a shared intention, in a conducive environment, something mysterious can come into being. If you've never read a book about this "collective intelligence," you're not alone. Despite its widespread emergence, it's a phenomenon that until recently has almost escaped the lens of social sciences. This article introduces the thoughts of pioneers intrigued by the possibility of harnessing the creative power of collectives toward the resolution of our most complex problems, and explores the discovery of a wisdom far beyond what is accessible to individuals alone.