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Apr 9, 2022

"Living simply is not about living in poverty or self-inflicted deprivation. It's about living an examined life where one has determined what is truly important and enough... and then just let go of all the rest." --Duane Elgin

Being Simply Beautiful

We are surrounded by the stuff that we think is so valuable and important, but take it all away and what is left? The real you is left. Or at least the journey to the real you without all the stuff that you think defines you. In this video, Theo Du Plessis of South Africa, had a "Damascus moment" that opened him up to the only question he asks himself now before acquiring possessions or pursuing experiences: is it REAL? If it is real then it is worth having in his life. Theo's life is one of connection with himself and nature, and a force he calls Goodness which gives him hope and community in the spirit of Ubuntu - I am me because of others.


Have you had a Damascus moment? A moment when you saw the light and knew you needed to let go of possessions or change something for a new life to begin? Pause and reflect on such a moment and consider how simplifying could allow growth.