• 15 Year-old's Letter to the Yard Across the Street Sep 18-- When her dad sent her a picture of pending home construction in what had been a vacant “yard” across the street from her home, a 15-year-old felt a sudden emptiness. She started remembering the coyotes, rabbits, deer, birds, a great pine tree, and amazing sunset orange poppies. She remembered playing with friends on a trampoline, and neighbors who lived next ...

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  • A Sparrow's Song To Lift Up the Sky Sep 17-- "The sparrow heard that the sky was falling, and while all the other creatures fled, she asked herself, 'What can I do? I'm just a sparrow.' But then, in a flash of brilliance, she lay on her back, pointing her tiny feet towards the sky. 'What are you doing, Little Sparrow?' the others asked. 'Well, I've heard the sky is ...

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  • Dr. Frederick Sontag: A Time of Searching Sep 15-- "Almost 60 years ago, professor Frederick Sontag opened a door I could not have opened on my own. Perhaps it saved my life. On a visit to Claremont, California 30 years later, I proposed interviewing him. He graciously accepted. Revisiting it today, I’m amazed at its relevance, particularly as the November election is almost upon those in the US. He ...

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  • Responsibility of Rocking the Boat Sep 14-- A 1976 industry article recommended: “Forget the pig is an animal—treat it just like a machine in a factory.” Gestation crates, so restrictive pigs could not even turn around, came to dominate. Laws for ethical treatment followed and companies declared commitments to humane treatment, but some did not keep their word. That led to the founding of The Accountability Board ...

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  • An Awe Walk Sep 11-- A study on the effects of an “awe walk” revealed people found awe in the ordinary such as “a friend’s generosity, a leafy tree’s play of light and shadow on a sidewalk, a song that transported them back to a first love.” They found that even a few moments of awe can “reduce stress, decrease inflammation, and benefit the cardiovascular ...

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  • Finishing First: What It Really Means to Win Sep 9-- Scholars and an Olympian explore the importance of purpose and deeper meaning around the topics of performing and winning. “Research shows that having a strong sense of purpose not only helps guide and direct our lives in important ways but adds meaning and fosters resilience.” Scholar Michael Lamb “worries that a culture obsessed with winning—whether in sports, education, or business—can ...

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The Business 9 Women Kept Secret For 30 Years "Somewhere in West Tennessee, not far from Graceland, nine women ... 1783281 Reads

Gandhi's Ten Rules for Changing the World Change the world; we hear those words thrown around quite ... 1390398 Reads

12 Truths I Learned from Life and Writing A few days before she turned 61, author Anne Lamott ... 849708 Reads

Kids on Love A group of adults posed this question to a group ... 639313 Reads

35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand Life "In order to sharpen our reasoning skills, we must have ... 594636 Reads

Mark Twain's Top 9 Tips For Living An Awesome Life Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the man better known as Mark Twain ... 591936 Reads

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