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Rethinking Philanthropy for Social Change
The thinking behind philanthropy and solutions programs has been: “Define a problem, design a solution, and measure its impact.” Then create a framework, and replicate across many other areas. Time and again, it doesn’t work, and doesn’t last. Global youth-led efforts are focusing instead on investing in community-led creativity and solutions. For instance, a youth innovati... posted on Feb 06 2025, 1,661 reads


86 Random Acts of Kindness
If you are looking for a way to help people, look no further. This article provides a comprehensive list of ways to help our own families, friends, and children to name but a few. There is at least one way anybody can practice an act of kindness each day from something as simple as writing a thank-you note to stories of kids whose simple acts grew into powerful initiatives that impact hundreds of ... posted on Feb 04 2025, 5,054 reads


Wild Clocks
In a visit to the Future Library in Norway, environmental Professor and Researcher, David Farrier, learns about wild clocks. All organisms have a sense of time embedded in their tissues and organs; they also have “body time” to synchronize with the world around them, sensing their environment for fluctuations like temperatures; and each has a time element for interacting with other org... posted on Feb 01 2025, 2,441 reads


How One Library Is Filling the Gaps in Homeless Services
In addition to traditional services, the Salt Lake City Public Library is among many working with “state and local agencies to help patrons access social services such as mental health counseling, homeless shelters or substance-abuse prevention programs.” A “Resource Corner” that includes a social worker provides all the information needed in one place, so people are not se... posted on Jan 20 2025, 1,310 reads


How to Help Your Loved Ones Stick to Their Goals
Whether it is a New Year’s resolution or other life-changing goal, friends and family like to help. However well-meaning, they can unintentionally hinder someone’s efforts to make changes. Psychologists say a person’s ability to change depends on motivation, and motivation depends on three things: confidence that we can make the change; our sense of autonomy “based on our o... posted on Jan 14 2025, 1,706 reads


When kindness becomes a habit, it improves our health
Research through the years shows volunteering and acts of kindness increase happiness and psychological well-being. Newer findings reveal they can improve physical health as well. Some results: less decline in memory and executive function; ability to walk longer at older ages with better balance; lower levels of physical pain; healthier body mass index; less stress that can drive up blood pressur... posted on Jan 11 2025, 1,636 reads


The algorithm says crisis. The social worker says trust.
Los Angeles County social workers are getting a little help from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to identify people at risk of losing their housing using digital warnings such as “repeated emergency room visits, mounting unpaid bills, food stamp applications that suddenly stop.” It is a shift in social work that helps identify people before a crisis, whereas, traditionally, th... posted on Jan 09 2025, 1,055 reads


Glimpses of Hope in 2024
In the midst of what may seem like only bad news and more bad news, enjoy these ten examples of what Solutions Journalism Network calls “hope with teeth -- not naive assumptions everything will resolve perfectly, but awareness of the scope of the problem and potential solutions, along with a belief in the possibility of better outcomes rooted in action.” They include clergy finding cre... posted on Jan 06 2025, 2,083 reads


How a Group's Ornament Exchange Helps with Grief During Holidays
Grieving Gracefully is a virtual support group that gives people a “place to go” with their grief. Founder Kelly Sammon said they hoped to "shine just a little bit of light in somebody's life" during those painful times, and especially during holidays. After her own grieving and extensive research, Kelly realized people feel alone in their grief, and more readily connect and relate to ... posted on Jan 04 2025, 1,204 reads


All Life is Sacred: A Conversation with John Malloy
"By the time John Malloy was seventeen, he had moved forty-four times. In his young life as a rolling stone, Malloy learned to rely on himself. Whatever allies and friends he might have begun to cultivate in one place were always torn away by his constant displacement. In schools in New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, and Oakland, as the new kid, he learned to fight. Every day was a trial. W... posted on Jan 02 2025, 19,631 reads


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There is no Them. There are only facets of Us.
John Green

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