About Us

DailyGood was born in 1998, when one college student started sharing inspiration with a half a dozen of his friends by sending them an enriching quote every day.

Today, DailyGood leverages the internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through the daily and weekly newsletters. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them.

Often times, watching the nightly news and reading mainstream newspapers it's hard to remember the presence of good in the world. And yet it is constantly around us. The world is full of everyday heroes and true stories of transformation. They have helped sustain life down the ages in a multitude of ways, small, simple and profound. DailyGood aims to shine a light on these stories and in doing so to change the nature of our conversations. If it can spread a few smiles along the way it's purpose is served.

Our philosophy is quite simple: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." The entire project is fully run by dedicated volunteers who contribute hundreds of hours finding the right stories and quotes. All of our content is distributed and syndicated for free. We don't advertise or promote any products. We don't ask for anything with the trust that whatever is needed will come.

And in the end, we are thankful that so many benefit from DailyGood because it gives us a meaningful opportunity to serve.

Thank you for your partnership in spreading the good.

The DailyGood Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs DailyGood?
We are run by a team of committed volunteers. We have team of editors who select the stories and dot the i's and cross the t's; then we have a team of about dozen regular contributors who help frame the DG content; in addition we have a team of "social media" mavens who help spread DG and the "voice of DG" volunteers who interact with our many subscribers.

How do I get my article published on DailyGood?
Please send a link to the article. If you'd like to syndicate your content regularly, take a look at some of our partners and then drop us a note if you feel your content fits DailyGood platform.

Can I republish the DailyGood content here?
We share our in-house content freely. For instance, many organizations take the daily "quote packs" from our RSS feed, customize it and send it to their own mailing lists. However, we also syndicate content from other sources; to reproduce those articles, you would have to consult with the original author directly.

Doesn't it cost money to run this?
Yes, and if you'd like to contribute monetarily, details are online. DailyGood is our expression of goodness in the world, it's a gift -- so we never solicit funds from our subscribers. In our experience, resources have found a way to match the needs without our intervention.

How are DailyGood and ServiceSpace related?
ServiceSpace is the umbrella 501(c)3 non-profit organization that DailyGood is a project of, CF also runs various other projects including PledgePage, Karmatube, CF Sites, ProPoor, Conversations, Karma Kitchen, iJourney, and HelpOthers. In short, it's the same folks with the same intention - to create ripples of goodness in the world. We invite you to surf around on our other sites.

Has anyone written about DailyGood in the media?
Yes. All of our press articles can be accessed through this link to the main ServiceSpace website.

I would like to subscribe to DailyGood, how will my information be used?
All you need to subscribe is your email address. We never sell your information to anyone so your privacy is guaranteed. You can also unsubscribe any time or switch to the weekend edition if that works better for you.

How can I get involved?
We're glad you asked. You can start by visiting the "Get Involved" section of our website.

What are your future plans?
Until now, we have been crawling the web for good news. In the future, we hope to start contributing articles to that pool of good. We'd love to hear from interested journalists and writers!

Our Team

DailyGood is an all-volunteer run portal which would not be possible without hundreds of hours spent by committed individuals. These volunteers are dedicated to spreading the goodness out into all corners of the world. It's a fruit of the labor of many hands but here are some that keep the shop open on a regular basis.

Audrey Lin: No matter where she is in the world, she always makes sure DailyGood is ready to go everyday. the master organizer, recent UC Berkeley grad, keep of big smiles. :) Her spirit is best captured in this conversation. Pavi Mehta: Longtime DailyGood editor, she does whatever is necessary. :) The writer, film-maker, poetess, keeper of an eye that can find beauty everywhere. Watch Infinite Vision to see why her grandfather is one of her biggest heroes.
Neeta Verma: Coordinator of the umpteen DailyGood contributors. When she's not working as a project manager, she can be found in a cafe writing fiction! And word on the street is that she used to race cars back in the day. :) Kanchan Gokhale: The official "voice of DailyGood". If you've written in to us, you've probably been served by Kanchan. She was recently gifted this song and is in the process of figuring out a way to live that song. :)
Chris Johnnidis: A regular contributor to DailyGood, Chris is a spiritual seeker, a social worker, and a deep thinker. He's known for creative acts like Chalk The Walk on this birthday, and most recently he went on 2-week vision quest in the woods. Shalini Sharma: One of the newest contributors to DailyGood, she is a 'techie' by day and morphs into a singer, meditator and good news junkie by night. :) When her husband isn't out farming, they can usually be spotted pondering J. Krishnamurti.
Viral Mehta: The "wisdom keeper", as we call him, Viral ensures that DailyGood retains its founding spirit. Whatever he learn from (*very* long) meditation retreats, he's often kind enough to write down for the rest of us. :) Ripa Ajmera: A regular contributor to DailyGood, Ripa is a freelance journalist by trade but her most inspired moments have involved teaching yoga to prisoners.
Bhoutik Mehta: aka "B2" (it's a long story), he is the king of DailyGood social media. He originally started with ServiceSpace as an intern, and one could say he never left. If you've ever spent 5 minutes with him, you know that his greatest joy in life is in tagging people with small acts of kindness.  

In addition to these inspiring coordinators, we are also supported by many other volunteers and organizations -- whose profiles we hope to add shortly.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." --Norman Vincent Peale

Quote Bulletin

For fast-acting relief, try slowing down
Lily Tomlin

Search by keyword: Happiness, Wisdom, Work, Science, Technology, Meditation, Joy, Love, Success, Education, Relationships, Life
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