Our Partners

We are profoundly grateful to have strong syndication partnerships, with many leaders in the content industry.

Recent Additions:

The Shriver Report
Awakening Charlotte
Sparring Mind
Kindness Blog
Rewire Me
Encore.org Nation Swell 
Salt Magazine

The Better India
Kindred Media
Moon Magazine
Center for Courage & Renewal

Little Things
Equine Leadership

While we don't have formal partnership with these organizations, we have been delighted to syndicated their articles in the past:


Guest Columnists

Adam Grant
Betty Peck
Bill Taylor
Birju Pandya
Bonnie Rose
BJ Gallagher
Bruna Martinuzzi
Carolyn Gregoire
Carolyn North
Catherine Porter
Dacher Keltner
David DeSteno
Deepak Chopra
Duane Elgin
Ella Frances Sanders
Esha Chhabra
Gail Brenner
Gavin Aung Than
Gretchen Rubin
Hannah Brencher
Homaira Kabir
James Clear
Jan Pilarski
Joanna Holsten
Ian Mackenzie
Janice Marturano
Jeff Deeney
Jennifer Pastiloff
Jonathan Fields
John Coleman
John Gerzema
John Kralik
Karen Horneffer-Ginter
Keld Jensen
Kelly Wendorf
Larry Spears
Lara Galinsky
Leo Babauta
Leo Widrich
Lakshmi Sandhana
Laura Simpson
Linda Booth Sweeney
Lisa Bennett
Maria Finn
Maria Jain
Marilyn Schlitz
Mark Williamson
Meg Wheatley
Megan Feldman
Melody Ross
Michael Michalko
Nandini Murali
Natalie Peace
Ocean Robbins
Otto Scharmer
Paola Gianturco
Paul Fleischman
Peter Bregman
Pico Iyer
Prasad Kaipa
Rachel Naomi Remen
Rachel Stafford
Robert Levine
Sarah Green
Sasha Dichter
Scott Barry Kauffman
Shwetha Sridharan
Somik Raha
Srikumar Rao
Sriram Shamasunder
Susan Schaller
Sylvia Benito
Wayne Muller
Whitney Johnson

Sister Projects


If you'd like to become a content partner with DailyGood, do email us. We'd love to hear from you.

Open Good

What is vision around syndication?
In the mid-nineties, we started out by simply linking to inspiring articles. Along the way, we started syndicating articles and offering them on our commercial-free platform. And now, we are working towards a cross-platform portal for easy content sharing: "Open Good".

What is Open Good?
Open Good is an open-source repository of content that shared the DailyGood values of hope, kindness, spirituality, compassion, peace, goodness. Partners can contribute as much or as little of their own content as they wish; in return, they can pull content freely and republish it on their own site, provided that they include an agreed-upon credit line and link back to the original publisher's site.

Each publisher would filter this great repository of content through their own editorial lens, pulling from it the material that speaks to their readers and worldview. It's a convenient, cooperative way for publishers to boost their exposure and spread their ideas, while also tapping into a vast network of writers, artists, and readers.

In the process, we'd be creating a new publishing paradigm, one based on cooperation and mutual support.

Can I participate?
Absolutely. Please contact us and we'll get back to you.

"Together we can." --Author Unknown

Quote Bulletin

Bread for myself is a material question. Bread for my neighbor is a spiritual one.
Nikolai Berdyaev

Search by keyword: Happiness, Wisdom, Work, Science, Technology, Meditation, Joy, Love, Success, Education, Relationships, Life
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