Author Archives For 'Prasad Kaipa'


7 Spiritual Perspectives on Personal Leadership

by Swami Chidananda and Prasad Kaipa

Dec 15, 2011
65,169 reads

Six Ways To Become A Wise Leader

by Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou, Adapted from their book

Apr 02, 2013
40,413 reads

Core Incompetence: The Flip Side of Your Signature Strength

by Prasad Kaipa

Sep 25, 2011
12,339 reads

Study, Practice and Serve: Peter Senge

by Prasad Kaipa

Aug 28, 2011
11,756 reads

Quote Bulletin

Every blade of grass has an angel, that leans over it and whispers "Grow! Grow!"
The Talmud

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