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How To Turn Down The Tension in a Conversation
With decades of research, Julia Minson developed a practice that people can very quickly learn to effectively deal with conflict and disagreement, using the acronym HEAR: H is hedging -- speaking with less dogmatism, using words like “sometimes, or maybe;” E is emphasizing what you can agree on such as “we both want;” A is acknowledgement by restating the other person&... posted on Nov 09 2024, 1,951 reads


Forgiving the Unforgivable
Nine years after a brutal 11-year civil war, a community center in a tiny village in Sierra Leone reflected the community itself -- burned and charred, weeds growing, “left alone and untended.” Then a drummer appeared, and began a rhythm that signaled a time to gather. Little by little, the community came, built a fire out of the debris, and within the safety of the circle, a Village C... posted on Nov 07 2024, 1,575 reads


Conversation with Paul Van Slambrouck: Reflections on Journalism
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Paul Van Slambrouck grew up with a love of newspapers and its high calling: "You only know the truth that you can come to at a particular moment. It’s not always an ultimate truth, but the pursuit of the truth is a pretty pure thing. Most reporters I’ve met are independent thinkers. They’re after the truth. I tell students that as a journalist yo... posted on Nov 06 2024, 809 reads


Eight Questions That Can Help You Survive Election Stress
In 2024, 43% of American adults have felt more anxious than they did the previous year, the American Psychological Association reports. Three-quarters of respondents identified this year’s presidential election as one of the biggest causes of their anxiety. "What can we do to stay resilient in the face of this election? One way is to check in with ourselves daily to make sure we’re doi... posted on Nov 05 2024, 5,079 reads


Why Children Perceive Time Slower Than Adults
Researchers are learning how children perceive time, and how “learning to see time through their eyes may be fundamental to a happier human experience.” Many factors are at play, one being emotional state: “A person's experience of time passages in daily life does not fluctuate with age, but with their emotional state. Put simply – if you are happier, time passes faster. If... posted on Nov 02 2024, 1,609 reads


When Nature Co-Authors a Song
A song emerged around a campfire in the high forest of Equador where melodies of “echo-locating bats, howler monkeys, rustling leaves and even a subterranean recording of the soil” were crucial to the composition. In what would be a first, the co-authors have filed to make the Los Cedros cloud forest a moral author of the song. One of the co-authors, Robert Macfarlane, said: “It ... posted on Oct 29 2024, 1,533 reads


Four Stories of Mercy
Enjoy this tender and moving video as Sister Marilyn Lacey shares four tiny moments of mercy - four tiny yet life-changing moments about ordinary people, some of them children, who saw an opportunity to help, and reached out: a woman who was in recovery from cancer wanted to help people in poverty recover; a nurse who simply provided open arms in which a little girl could cry in mourning of her mo... posted on Oct 27 2024, 3,868 reads


I See You
In this short video, Daniel Emuna shares his thoughts on how he is able to really see and connect with others. Among them is his desire for people to feel as he wants to feel which is to be “cared for, understood, and seen.” He sees people for who they are beyond their outward appearance. Daniel says some people believe if you give to someone, you lose something such as respect, power,... posted on Oct 24 2024, 3,584 reads


Why This Grocery Store Embraces a Slower Checkout
Waiting in line is an act that many often prefer to skip. In contrast to speedy lanes, some grocery chains are better serving their aging and single household populations by offering a lane where people can leisurely chat while slowly checking out their groceries. The trend started as “part of the Dutch government’s campaign to fight loneliness,” and is now embraced by supermarke... posted on Oct 21 2024, 1,306 reads


Forget the four seasons: 72 ‘micro-seasons'
In Japan, the ancient agricultural calendar divides the year into 72 micro-seasons, each lasting five days and marked by subtle changes in nature like blooming flowers or the return of swallows. This detailed approach, known as kisetsukan, or "awareness of the seasons," invites a deep connection with nature and the present moment. Natalie Leon explains how these seasonal shifts, from the unfurling... posted on Oct 20 2024, 1,389 reads


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Embrace uncertainty. Hard problems rarely have easy solutions.
Jonah Lehrer

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Trending DailyGoods Oct 24: I See You (3,584 reads) Nov 5: Eight Questions That Can Help You Survive Election Stress (5,079 reads) Nov 9: How To Turn Down The Tension in a Conversation (1,951 reads) Oct 27: Four Stories of Mercy (3,868 reads) Nov 2: Why Children Perceive Time Slower Than Adults (1,609 reads)

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