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... posted on Dec 09 2002, 1,291 reads


... posted on Nov 18 2002, 1,264 reads


Is it possible to change the world by what you eat? According to Thich Naht Hanh, a Buddhist teacher, the change would be profound.
... posted on Oct 22 2002, 1,403 reads


We've all heard the importance of 'building bridges'. This group takes it literally. Bridges to Prosperity is a program that combines western ingenuity and indigenous manpower to build bridges that allow people in isolated villages access to markets for their goods.... posted on Oct 19 2002, 1,365 reads


Deeply moved by two books: 'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn and 'The Ecology of Commerce' by Paul Hawken, Ray C. Anderson set out to turn his multi-billion dollar corporation into a sustainable and environmentally-friendly company, focused on recycling and diminished waste... and succeeded.... posted on Sep 26 2002, 1,208 reads


Youngsters who scored the lowest on fearfulness scales between the ages of 5 and 11 were much more likely to play individual or team sports at a high level in adulthood.... posted on Sep 25 2002, 1,233 reads


... posted on Sep 09 2002, 1,006 reads


Bruce Stephan was on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge when an earthquake hurled his car off the bridge and Stephan towards death. Both he and his wife were in the World Trade Center when terrorists struck on September 11. So what is like to survive two terrifying disasters? For Bruce, it was a learning experience in the power of love.... posted on Aug 13 2002, 1,992 reads


For children with emotional problems or physical or mental disabilities, the opportunity to swim with a dolphin can be an enriching -- even a transforming -- experience.... posted on Aug 09 2002, 1,181 reads


Can grown ups and kids have a good time together? Yup! August 4th 2002 is National Kids Day:... posted on Jul 24 2002, 1,211 reads


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For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are one.
Kahlil Gibran

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