Author Archives For 'FRITJOF CAPRA'


Ecology & Community

by Fritjof Capra

Feb 26, 2014
27,261 reads

New Lessons From Leonardo

by Fritjof Capra

Apr 21, 2014
20,097 reads

Fritjof Capra: We're All In This Together

by Fritjof Capra

Jan 31, 2017
18,823 reads

Life and Leadership

by Fritjof Capra

Jun 17, 2014
18,680 reads

Fritjof Capra on Life and Leadership for a Sustainable Community

by Fritjof Capra

Feb 28, 2018
10,607 reads

Quote Bulletin

We need to repair the social fabric, without which all other solutions are patch work.
Nipun Mehta

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